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Speeding ticket!


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Whats the deal with speeding tickets in Victoria? I hjust got zapped doing quite a bit more than the 60kph limit.....only been here two days! Can they enforce it if I have no permanent Australian address? Does anyone know how big the fines are? I heard you get banned for doing 40kph over the limit....dont think I was but that would be especially bad!

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We have hidden speed cameras in Victoria they do not have to say where they are and believe me they are everywhere. I have been booked twice for over 60 once 3 ks over and once 5 and it was not cheap.


They have private speed camera operators too and they are in ordinary cars so hard to pick. Although most people give flash if they pass one to warn oncoming motorists.


Unmarked police cars are around a lot as well and they do a roaring trade down here on the Peninsula.


Same with the red light cameras at intersections you never know which ones are on and which are not. Some are on all the time.


I think its 30 over the limit that bans us.


When we were in the UK recently we reckoned they could get rid of the deficit very easily if they adopted our way of policing speed on the roads. lol

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Guest guest30038
Although most people give flash if they pass one to warn oncoming motorists.




They've just had a blitz on "flashers" here in Brizzy. Set up a dummy radar and booked everyone who flashed oncoming motorists.



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we are on our third set, the most recent husband doing 3km over the 80km speed limit, one point and $147 fine. They trace you through your car (I presume that is registered to either a car hire company or yourself). In the first 3 weeks of arriving we had 2 speeding tickets and a parking fine (speeding were both less than 5kph over the limit) and it came to 6 points and almost $500.


You need to make sure you park the right way in the street too otherwise you get a ticket. Likewise during school hours there is a 40 limit outside school zones.


Not sure why you would need to be driving 40km over the speed limit but I guess you took your chance.




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Guest chris955

Ah yes Victoria, they love their revenue, sorry safety, cameras down there. :biggrin: if you were doing anything like 40 over then I'm afraid you deserve what you get.

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Guest guest40944
we are on our third set, the most recent husband doing 3km over the 80km speed limit, one point and $147 fine. They trace you through your car (I presume that is registered to either a car hire company or yourself). In the first 3 weeks of arriving we had 2 speeding tickets and a parking fine (speeding were both less than 5kph over the limit) and it came to 6 points and almost $500.


You need to make sure you park the right way in the street too otherwise you get a ticket. Likewise during school hours there is a 40 limit outside school zones.


Not sure why you would need to be driving 40km over the speed limit but I guess you took your chance.





Whilst no sympathy for anyone going 40Kph over in a 60Kph zone is there no proportionality?


You say your husband was stopped for being 3Kmh over in an 80Kmh zone. Are Australian speedometers in cars really so much more accurate than UK ones for this to be legal? In the UK I'm sure they give you a 10% leeway to ensure that your speedo and their equipment aren't making small, statistical errors.


If this is true why doesn't everyone just drive 10Kmh under the speed limit at all times as going 3Kmh over is hard to control if you are driving bang on.


I can't afford points (for work) so if you see someone crawling round Adelaide in a few weeks time p***ing off everyone stuck behind me give me a wave.

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Welcome to the State of Revenue (er........Victoria) If there is a speed limit, why would you be going way over as you say? We used to have a bit of leeway but not that much anymore. What annoys me is that when hoons are around doing wheelies and roaring up to the hills in the east outside my work on a Friday night, the cops never catch them. Very frustrating.

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I was driving in an 80kph zone and staying at about that speed. Then I went through about a 400 yard stretch that was suddenly 60kph but I didnt notice, and thats where the policeman was sat, i braked and got down to about 65kph while he was still filming me (or whatever he was doing), so I guess I was doing about 80 (due to the fact I mistakenly thought that was the limit) potentially it could have been 85 which would mean a ban. No excuses but I am not used to the speed limits changing every mile or so as they do here. Still, thanks for the advice, I just hope I was doing 84 or less and I certainly wont do it again. How long does it take for the paperwork to be sent through to me????

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Guest guest30038
Unfortunately I was in the 60 zone flying through out 80 odd so it may be a case of walking to work for a bit!



Ah well, these things happen, my Brother in Law copped a months ban and has just been caught driving before his suspension ended, so he's gonna be doing a bit of walking too. :confused:


When in Rome..............no wonder Poms whinge about Aussies perception of 'em :rolleyes:


You get what you ask for :biglaugh:



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You can appeal. The police have a set of guidelines they have to use for setting up speed camera locations, one of which is they can't set one up within 300m of a down speed sign or 100m of an up speed one, nor in temporary speed zones or where lanes are closed (these are QLD rules at least, google and you might find VIC ones).


It's not publicised for good reason, but we appealed on the grounds my OH got zapped about 50m after a down speed zone and got the fine quashed. If you get done, take a photo as evidence where it was done. Contrary to popular opinion, and to what the Police service say, they can't stick a camera wherever they feel like it (straight out of the mouht of OH best mate; a traffice policeman).

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Guest AussieGold

New to the country or not, anyone doing anywhere near 40ks OVER the speed limit deserves to loose their licence. Im sorry that kind of speed is not an accidental oops i didnt realise i was speeding that is blatant i dont care what the speed limit is. I am pleased for you and all the other drivers on the road that day, that you didnt crash at the speed and kill yourself or worse SOMEONE ELSE :mad:



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They usually send the photo to you so you know exactly where it was.


I must admit I have learned my lesson and so has my pocket so I try to refrain now except on the Hume and that is a dire spot for being caught. Got chased on there and let off doing 20 over next week I got done for 63 in 60 zone so got my come uppance.


They do not care about our speedometers here we are supposed to have them set correctly.


Cruise control is the way. My son uses his all the time as he has a lead foot.

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Hi, I also got booked a week or so after arriving in the country - in cobram - rural Victoria. This care was disguised an unmarked police car and hiding behind a bush - believe me they are everywhere here - and i was driving in the middle of no where. I got caught on radar at 125kms in a 100 zone - they took 3km off to calibrate your speed and theres - I lost 3 demerrit points. I was told that if I had been 5 more kms an hour over I would of faced an automatic licence supension. I was gutted as had never been fined for speeding ever.


My advice if you have cruise control use it - cameras are everywhere here and its possible to lose your licence in just a few hours - anything over 3kms an hour you will get booked for. There is a zero tolerance on speeding in Victoria (no sure of other states) - they will take 3km an hour off to calibrate - just be weary. Its a huge revenue spinner here. If you here permanently pay the fine and expect to have points on your new aussie licence when you get it.


Take care

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Guest guest30038
Thanks for all the sensible answers received, not so much thanks to the "holier than thou" responders!!


Yeah, I suppose there's a lot of parents of kids killed in road accidents that you would class as "holier than thou" :rolleyes:


You didn't even know what speed you were travelling at and you wondered if the ticket could be enforced if you had no permanent address.............you can't even own your own behaviour and the consequences...........proud of yourself?


kev...............proud to be "holier than thou"

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