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Bargin of the Week - 2 bags of fruit $4


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Who says Australia is expensive:wink:


Just poped into my local Woolies as WA has finally joined the 21st Century and now our supermarkets are open until 9pm:cool:


Well to celebrate late night shopping, Woolies had a promotion on.... fill a bag of fruit and veg for $2... you could fill it with as much as the bag could hold as long as you were able to tie a knot on the bag.


I filled my first bag with about 10 pears, 8 apples, a banana, a couple of oranges... it was overflowing almost.


The second bag I filled with 2 lemons, more apples, 2 candy apples for my girls, red onion and a english cucumber (the english cucumber only sells for $1.75).


So I am chuffed to say the least, got the lot for $4 and now we have enough fruit to last us more than a week.


See Australia is not always expensive:wink:





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I find shopping in Oz is a case of finding the bargains and buying in bulk once you have found them !! we have only been here 14 weeks but are buying steak and chicken in 10-15KG lots fantastic quality and great prices if you go to the right places :) roll on another T-bone on the BBQ tomorrow :)

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