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It's the final countdown!


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well after ages of saying' yes, were going to Australia' we are actually going to Australia! My last Scottish Monday, spent with friends,in glorious sunshine!


We leave home on Sunday & have the busiest week ahead catching up with everyone....won't need to eat for a week once we get there ,all the lunches & dinners we are having.


Our container has been on the go for 4 weeks & due to arrive on 4th November so living in a 4 bedroom squat has been worth it! Amazing what you can do without when you have to!


We have 4 weeks temporary accomadation sorted then will have to find a new home! Looking forward to setting up home.....as long as I have a pantry & a laundry room ( simple things & simple minds!)


Kids finished school last Thursday , dog & cats have been re-homed with family but still hard to say goodbye:sad:

We haven't sold our house but will leave it in the hands of estate agents & hope it sells! Will spend Saturday madly cleaning!


So good luck to everyone else moving soon & hope it works out well for us all,


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Hey Mhags,

Best of liuck with the big move. Where in Melbourne are you heading to?

Me & the OH are from Dublin and are moving to Melbourne in nov and cant wait to go.


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Hey Mhags, you've stolen my idea! I was going to do a 'final countdown' message too! We're off in less than four weeks to Darwin. All the best for your trip, hope it goes to plan in Melbourne.

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One more day left! Going up to stay overnight at airport hotel for bit of luxury! .....well anything better than a single mattress on the floor & a bigger than portable TV screen must be classed as luxurious! Have said all our goodbyes & leave home this afternoon for our big ,brave adventure to Australia.

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