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children and moving to oz


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Hi everyone, my husband, myself and 4 children(12, 10, 6, 2.5) moved from Perth, WA in Jan this year back to England. We'd been in Perth for 4.5yrs and decided that we wanted to come back and see everyone and just have familiar things around us again.


The kids are in really good schools and are enjoying it. My eldest is in yr 8 and my 2nd eldest is in yr 6. The thing is, we're hoping to be moving back to Australia next year sometime, either when they have both finished yr 8 and yr 6 which will be late July or wait til after next christmas, when they have both been in secondary school. The one who will be going into yr 7, loves the thought of starting secondary school to see what its like but she realises that when we do go over to oz she will have to go back to primary school. This is causing major problems and now she is saying she doesen't want to go back to Australia at all.


We know in the long run that the move will benefit them as i don't really want them to grow up here. Is anyone going through a similar situation with children, it would be great to know that we're not the only ones!!!

From parents who just seem really torn between 2 countries.

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Welcome to PIO


I think your daughter may feel that your taking away her grown-up-ness (if that's a word???) Going to high school is a huge step for most kids, so getting a taste and then taking it away well I can understand why she is upset :cry:


If you leave at the Christmas wouldn't she old enough to start high school in Australia? But then you will have the worry of her making friends and then not wanting to go for that reason.......


The joys of having children, good luck with it:hug:

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hi again, sorry i may of confused you or myself for that matter, 'yes' i posted the thread on victoria forum as we are going to be going to victoria. As for my daughters ashleigh who is 12 at the moment will be 13 in Jan 2011 and at the moment she is in year 8 in the uk, so when we come over to vic, say november next year she should go into yr 9 in the feb of yr 2012.

My next daughter rebecca who is 10 at the moment will be 11 in July 2011 and at the moment she is in year 6 in the uk, and again if we come over next Nov she would go into yr 6 again in the feb of 2012? Am i correct in saying this. I asked one of her friends in Perth what year she is in now and she said yr 5 she doesn't go into year 6 until Feb 2011.

That is the dilema we are having at the moment, the thought of her repeating year 6 again is very daunting for her and we have reassured her things will be fine. What do you think the chances would be for her to go straight to high school or do you think she would have to repaet yr 6 over there.


Cheers x

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Guest The Ropey HOFF

Hi my daughter wasn't happy about this and although i want my kids to be happy, the family comes first and thats what your decision should be based on and when ever you go back at least you know your kids futures are alot brighter than whats on offer here in the uk, unemployment is set to sky rocket with good proper jobs being lost hand over fist and even if they manage to get good A level results, the chances of getting into Uni are very slim, they are giving our kids places to overseas migrants, this country and government don't give a fig about our kids futures and with a near one million teenagers out of work already this figure is set to rise, at least they will get employment in the best country in the world - Australia. Best of luck.

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Cheers for that.

I know you're right but boy it doesn't make it any easier for the timeframe for the kids to arrive into vic and to go to a new school, i have to time it just right so that my 10 yr old finishes yr 6 and the elder one has finished yr 8 before she goes to yr 9 to choose all her favourite subjects.

Its tough being a parent but if i can give my kids the best then i have to be cruel to be kind. We all need a bit of reasurance sometimes.

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hi again, sorry i may of confused you or myself for that matter, 'yes' i posted the thread on victoria forum as we are going to be going to victoria. As for my daughters ashleigh who is 12 at the moment will be 13 in Jan 2011 and at the moment she is in year 8 in the uk, so when we come over to vic, say november next year she should go into yr 9 in the feb of yr 2012.

My next daughter rebecca who is 10 at the moment will be 11 in July 2011 and at the moment she is in year 6 in the uk, and again if we come over next Nov she would go into yr 6 again in the feb of 2012? Am i correct in saying this. I asked one of her friends in Perth what year she is in now and she said yr 5 she doesn't go into year 6 until Feb 2011.

That is the dilema we are having at the moment, the thought of her repeating year 6 again is very daunting for her and we have reassured her things will be fine. What do you think the chances would be for her to go straight to high school or do you think she would have to repaet yr 6 over there.


Cheers x



Ah, with a July birthday she will be in year 5 in 2011, year 6 in 2012 (cut off for Vic is April) so yes she will be in year 6 in 2012. However it wont be repeating year 6 because she hasnt done year 6 in Australia - new system, different work, same age cohort.


Dont worry about choosing subjects in year 9 - kids change electives regularly and it isnt until year 11 that they really need to make choices about what course to follow.


Education in Australia often does seem like a backward step but it all evens out by the time they have done an honours degree. I doubt that the future is any brighter here for kids than it is in any other first world country especially with a Blair wannabee government in charge for the next few years (which is why so many young Aussies escape while they can!). Still need a degree to change a loo roll and end up with a nice debt in the process.

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