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so confused


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Just found out last night, that my daughters only friend here will be moving to Brissy in March.


God this has put a spanner in the works.


Moving over with teenagers is never easy, and now I get to look forward to two very unhappy bunnies come next March when their friend moves away.


I have already discussed with the girls what they will do when their friend moves away, and they have informed me that they will move back to Canada after they finish grade 12 (they will be 18 then).


So my dilema is do I stay in Australia with my hubby (he does not want to move back to Canada... got his dream job here) and have my kids go back to Canada (who I will miss terribably).


I know I could get a job back in Canada as I worked in a very specialized field, and not many people work in it, plus I have all my old contacts back there, but I guess it would be a case of only me going back and not hubby.


Sorry for rambling, god this emigrating lark can be confusing at times. It doesn't help that I am totally confused at the moment as well. My new job has turned out to be as boring as bat ****.... which leaves me with way to much time to overanalyze things, I am already looking at applying for another job, which would be my 6th in 2 years.





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Your kids are going to do what your kids are going to do, unfortunately and you cannot be chasing them all over the world as they are as likely to be in Timbuctu or Helsinki in another couple of years' time.


How strong is your marriage and is that the chap you want to grow old with? At some stage you have to work out which people in your life are the most important to you and stick with them - however if you hate Australia then you may need to be working out some sort of compromise with him, if you can.


Good luck with it, sounds like you are in for a rough trot in the next few years and your job situation obviously isnt helping much either - good luck for a new one that works for you!

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Your kids are going to do what your kids are going to do, unfortunately and you cannot be chasing them all over the world as they are as likely to be in Timbuctu or Helsinki in another couple of years' time.


How strong is your marriage and is that the chap you want to grow old with? At some stage you have to work out which people in your life are the most important to you and stick with them - however if you hate Australia then you may need to be working out some sort of compromise with him, if you can.


Good luck with it, sounds like you are in for a rough trot in the next few years and your job situation obviously isnt helping much either - good luck for a new one that works for you!



Thanks Quoll,


I don't actually hate Australia, its just that I guess with me having to much time on my hands, I tend to overthink everything.


I have realized that I can't live my kids lives or control what they will do. I guess when it comes to that time, we will cross that bridge.


I think part of the problem with me is my job....and perhaps the fact that I have had so many in such a short period of time... makes it hard to put down roots and feel like you belong anywhere. In my previous life.. I had 2 jobs in 18 years, so moving around in employment is not good for me. I know that I will not be able to stay at my current position longterm... my poor brain will die on me... just not enough of a challange.


Yes lots to mull over, and hopefully with any luck, the girls might change their mind, although the one has not settled since day one.... I guess it didn't help that the girls were very close to relatives back in Canada, and don't have any here.


Well thanks again for your reply Quoll.





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Had you not migrated, your children may very well at 18 have said .. hey mom we're off to travel the world ... they're not going to be at home forever and inevitably will fly the nest at some point. No matter where they are ... they will always know that they have a home to come back to, parents who love them ... and a warm bed and something to eat when they're broke lol

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Had you not migrated, your children may very well at 18 have said .. hey mom we're off to travel the world ... they're not going to be at home forever and inevitably will fly the nest at some point. No matter where they are ... they will always know that they have a home to come back to, parents who love them ... and a warm bed and something to eat when they're broke lol


That's so true. :wubclub:


You haven't said how old your girls are now, but don't assume what they say now is what they will do when they are 18.... Things change quickly for teens. :arghh: :twitcy: I would bet one of them would make another friendship or meet a boyfriend to prevent this happening.


Concentrate on the here and now, if you don't like your job, apply for others. Your aim should be to create a happy and contented Mum both at work and home who is a stable base and role model for her girls, as they enter adulthood.


Good luck x

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