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My daughter


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As some of you know I'm in Oz at the moment on holiday and to activate our visas before July 1st changes.


My daughter Cody wanted to return to the Uk before us to go to her school Prom, so her dad said he would return with her and they left here on Wed this week.


The photo in my Avatar is of her (middle), her friend Kim & her Prom Date Alistair.

I know its only a small pic but dont they all look sweet?


Wish I could have been there with her, but the photos Chris sent last night are brill.


Its now 1.37 in the morning in the Uk and I bet they dont look like that anymore :shocked:


Just thought I'd share that with you all.


Sam xxx

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Cody looks beautiful and they all look smashing, you should be really proud!


and welcome to the platinum club too! l just beat you there hehe :wub:

but only cos you've not been on so much this week cos of being in Oz and all that!

Hope you are having fantastic time!


luv ya

Lyn xx

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Guest wardy

They look fantastic Sam, makes you feel all emotional to see them growing up, my lad just turned 18 :cry: it seems like yesterday he just turned 1


Where does the time go


Kaye x

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Guest tinbasher

How sweet they look Sam, I bet you are so proud. :wubclub:


Well done Sam on reaching your platinum status, not there yet but not far behind you. You should post a new thread to announce your new status. After all it's not everyday one turns platinum. Alas even when I do turn platinum I feel I shall still be made of Tin:cry:.


Mrs TinB

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