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DYslexia specialist


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I was just wondering how in demand a SEN teacher is in NSW at present. They seem to be a little behind the UK in terms of Dyslexia, Dyspraxia etc I have tried to look for associations such as Dyslexia Action and BDA but there doesn't seem to be any. If anyone has any experience of this I would be grateful for any advice or comments!

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Dyslexia hasnt really caught on in Australia (not for want of trying from some quarters) and it isnt serviced by any of the disability programs. Kids with reading difficulties are supported through Reading Recovery or some other inschool remedial programs. There are a few "Irlen Institute" companies for the coloured specs but even they seem to have gone out of fashion.


Dyspraxia has never really moved beyond the oral dyspraxia either - and many states dont provide in school disability support for speech disorders, they rely on speech pathologists for that intervention. Kids with physical impairments affecting their mobility may be serviced under disability programs but generally they will be supported by physios, accommodations and adaptations to the school environment.


Big bickies here are the Pervasive Developmental Disorders of every kind - autism and Aspergers predominantly although there are some new up and coming diagnoses which are being shoe horned into that category to attract disability funding.


I wouldnt say they are "behind" as such, just not prepared to open the flood gates for disability funding for additional "conditions" when, if the impairment is severe enough, they may get disability funding under the existing criteria (intellectual, physical, sensory, communication, pervasive developmental are the core areas of disability).

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