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16 moving to Queensland

Guest awhisperinacrowd

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Guest awhisperinacrowd

Hi, I'm moving to Australia around christmas and I'm worried about school.

I have no idea about the Australian school system. I'm gonna be 17 and already 3 or 4 months into year 12 in the UK when i move. Any information on the Aussie education system (the no. of subjects you have to take, are years linked like A levels in the UK?) would be greatly appreciated.



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Hi, I'm moving to Australia around christmas and I'm worried about school.

I have no idea about the Australian school system. I'm gonna be 17 and already 3 or 4 months into year 12 in the UK when i move. Any information on the Aussie education system (the no. of subjects you have to take, are years linked like A levels in the UK?) would be greatly appreciated.




Is there the slightest chance you can complete your A levels before you come? If not, then you will really need to go into year 11 in 2011 to do the final two years of school to get the best possible tertiary entrance outcome. If OTOH you can finish A levels then the world will be your oyster. Coming over in the middle will push you into foundation courses (will cost you) or TAFE courses (will cost you) or vague promises of recognition of prior learning (some folk on here found that assertion in their Qld school meant that their son wasnt able to get a tertiary entrance score!). Kids in Qld beginning year 11 are going to be 15/16 so you will be out age wise socially for a couple of years. Others have gone down the TAFE route but I dont know how competitive that will make you against school students with respect to your entrance score.


Year 12 usually comprises 5 or 6 subjects and for some uni courses, English is mandatory. You may want to check out some course requirements if you have a particular subject area in mind.


Best thing to do is probably start talking to the unis you fancy and asking what would be the best way to get the entrance score you need - school/TAFE/Foundation year etc

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Hi i would agree that if you dont complete your a levels you would probably have to start in year 11 here - though Dec/jan is a good time as that is the beginning of the school year (end Jan). Probably depends on on how well you are doing at school (ie if you on track for your a levels you are prob best to stay those extra few months and complete them) and whether going to school for another 2 years is an option for you. My son leaves school in 4 months and he will be 17 1/2 though there are boys in his year who are already 18 and boys are are still 16 so the age thing is not so noticeable as it would be in the UK. I have a friend whose daughter came over at about the same time in her school career as you and within a couple of months she went back to finish her a levels in uk - but of course by then she had missed a good few months. If you can stay and complete your a levels you will be all ready to apply for uni next Sept. Might not be what you are wanting to hear as it would put your plans back a few months. All the best

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Guest awhisperinacrowd

Thanks for the advise.

I kinda thought this is what would happen, I'll have to talk it over with my parents. I hate the idea that I'll be older than most of the people in my year but oh well.

You used the term TAFE, I've seen it before but I don't really know what it actually means, would you mind explaining?

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Thanks for the advise.

I kinda thought this is what would happen, I'll have to talk it over with my parents. I hate the idea that I'll be older than most of the people in my year but oh well.

You used the term TAFE, I've seen it before but I don't really know what it actually means, would you mind explaining?


Technical and Further Education colleges - TAFE Queensland

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Guest awhisperinacrowd

Ahh thanks.

I'm getting A's and A*'s at GCSE level and I would be aiming for A's at a level (to do law at Uni) so where do you think I should be aiming to go to in Australia?

Plus what kind of proof of secondary education do you think would be needed for schools? As in would you think exam results, predicated grades and reports will be enough.

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Ahh thanks.

I'm getting A's and A*'s at GCSE level and I would be aiming for A's at a level (to do law at Uni) so where do you think I should be aiming to go to in Australia?

Plus what kind of proof of secondary education do you think would be needed for schools? As in would you think exam results, predicated grades and reports will be enough.


You will need a very high tertiary entrance score and if you were to continue with your A levels you would find that they would transfer very well to any Australian university (Sydney and Melbourne pride themselves on being the best although the ANU here in Canberra ranks higher)


Your GCSEs will be essentially irrelevant, they are really only going to bother what your year 12 results say. The outcomes for Qld year 12 are here Statistics [Qld Studies Authority] so you can have a look and see where you think you will be heading (it's all of Qld so you will need to narrow it down). If you look at TAFE you will see that they have a lower rate of university acceptances and that may give you an idea of the cohort who choose to do their year 12 through TAFE.


All the schools will be concerned about is your visa status, place of residence and date of birth.

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Guest awhisperinacrowd
You will need a very high tertiary entrance score and if you were to continue with your A levels you would find that they would transfer very well to any Australian university (Sydney and Melbourne pride themselves on being the best although the ANU here in Canberra ranks higher)


Your GCSEs will be essentially irrelevant, they are really only going to bother what your year 12 results say. The outcomes for Qld year 12 are here Statistics [Qld Studies Authority] so you can have a look and see where you think you will be heading (it's all of Qld so you will need to narrow it down). If you look at TAFE you will see that they have a lower rate of university acceptances and that may give you an idea of the cohort who choose to do their year 12 through TAFE.


All the schools will be concerned about is your visa status, place of residence and date of birth.


Ahh right. I'll definatley have a look at the statistics and thanks for all this information you've been a great help. :)


Just one more thing, when are the exams taken that determin a persons tertiary entrance score? And is this score based on the results of exams taken in each subject or a kind of average?

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest joelleoneill

Hello, my name's Joelle and I'm 16 (17 next month). I may be moving to Brisbane next summer with my family, my parents are looking at Adelaide and Brisbane, we're visiting them this summer as we have received our visas.


Hoping to make some friends when we visit this summer so are you going to be in Brisbane in August?


Do you have msn?



x x x




Hi, I'm moving to Australia around christmas and I'm worried about school.

I have no idea about the Australian school system. I'm gonna be 17 and already 3 or 4 months into year 12 in the UK when i move. Any information on the Aussie education system (the no. of subjects you have to take, are years linked like A levels in the UK?) would be greatly appreciated.



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