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Getting excited and anxious...fingers crossed.


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Been tracking my skills assessment paperwork as it has been winging its way overseas and getting excited now I can see its in Melbourne!


Its taken a year of hassle to get all the documents together but once the Oz governing body send me the certificate that says my skills and experience are valid I can apply for jobs/sponsors.


I have had loads of positive replies from potential employers so hopefully I should have a 457 in the near future.


At last I feel like im on my way there :jiggy:

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Thank you..... I really cant wait.


I have missed out on a few jobs so far due to the time its taken to get my documents sorted. Then to watch the visa goal posts continually moving its been an anxious wait.


My worry now is that ive missed something from my documents and have to start again.


Im sure im worrying for nothing though........... hopefully.

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