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Good idea to help kids with the big moves

gaz n family

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After a flash of inspiration and responding to a thread about some poor women whose 12 year old isnt taking the move lightly i thought my kids idea might help others.


Whould anybody be interested in this?


How it would work, people with children who are apprehensive about the move or just wanting information from someone who they might share interests in, and not their old, grummpy parents. i.e someone of the same age, same ideas, same likes etc.


If this would help then we could say post a response to this thread, detailing the ages of their own kids, if someone in Oz is able to link up then exchange PMs to exchange emails with that poster to link up their kids it might help all of our children a little going through what is also a huge thing for them.


Sorry, this might be a stupid and bizzare idea, but i am sure it would work for many. It has worked already for my kids who emails their friends who moved over a while ago.


I am also not silly enough to think this could be abbused by some wierdo who uses Forums for their (sorry, cannot say it!!!!!!) so if you can think of a safer way of doing it please help.


Afterall, what would us oldies know.........


Anyone else interested? If so i will ask one of the mods or admin to see if this can become a sticky or how ever they recommend it??????

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It is a great idea, some kids do use the forum already in the "younger ones" section. My daugher found it particularly helpful talking to others that were going through the same thing - because they tend to listen to each other far more than us!!! She started talking to them on this forum and then she added a couple on facebook/msn

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With parents permission the youngerones use the PM facility and exchange msn addys etc. We encourage parents to be mindful of what they're children are accessing who they're talking to on the forum.


For us, we knew there area we were coming to and therefore the school my daughter (who was 11 at the time) would be going to. The principle set her up with a pen-pal who would be in her class, they chatted on MSN and she was introduced to some of her year group ... made the first day at a new school in a new country much less daunting.

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