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Nearly 2 years in ACT

Guest sarahnshaun

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Guest sarahnshaun

Hi All


Well its been nearly two years since we emigrated from the UK to Australia and I thought I should provide some feedback.


A little bit of background to start off with.... neither myself or my husband had ever set foot in Australia but when a possible job offer came up, we had a huge decision to make. At the time, our children were 3 and 1 so we knew that by taking them the other side of the world, we were effectively deciding their future. After many nights debating the pros and cons ( I think about 6 months in all!), we decided if we didn't try it, we would always regret it and if it didn't work out, we could always come home.


We arrived in Canberra and our first 2 weeks I won't lie, we hated it. We missed little things such as being able to pop round to the family of a weekend. However, things started to slot into place. We found a rental we loved and we got, I got a job and we got childcare which was very rare to find in Canberra. We started to build up our life slowly but surely. I won't lie, there were times in the first 6 months that both me and my husband said it was better back home. I had phone calls back to the uk to family which I must of sounded very depressed but we carried on and we can now honestly say that we made the right choice in moving to Australia. We wake up and we have kangaroos and possums that reside opposite our house, our kids have 5x the space they did in the uk to play and we generally feel more laid back than we did in the uk. People are less reserved and wary of friendship and are more willing to put their trust in you. Someone told me that its takes at least 2 years to settle when you move country and I think this statement is true. We are only now getting to the stage where we are fully settled in our new life. We still miss the odd things about the uk, but overall, if someone offered me 100k and a ticket home, I wouldn't take it. Of course, its not for everyone but the best advice I can give is give it two years, if you don't like it, you can always go back but if you don't try it, you will always be thinking "what if?"


oh, and the other thing to expect is that as soon as you move, Australia and your home suddenly becomes a holiday destination for the rest of your family who live back in blighty!!!


for anyone looking to move to Canberra, here are some helpful links. The best rental site is allhomes: ACT & NSW real estate properties & homes for sale, rent and share | allhomes


For an indication of supermarket prices: http://www.coles.com.au/


Just to give an indication of Canberra prices, we pay the following approximately per month:


$1950 rental (4 bed on outskirts)

$20 Gas

$120 Electric

$1000 shopping ($250 weekly groceries)

$2000 childcare (2 children privately minded)

$115 broadband and telephone

$120 foxtel (sky)


Hope this has been of help.


Kind regards



Kind regards

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Hi Sarah,


Just a quick note to say, that your message has helped me decide that a move to Oz is the right thing for us. We have 2 children aged 2 and 4 and just want to make the right decision for them. Like you say, if we never try it, we will be forever thinking 'what if'. I was just wondering why you feel your life is better over in Oz. We would be moving to NSW as my sister lives in Sydney, so I realise it would be slightly different to Canberra but just wanted the positive points about Oz (as see so many negative points on here).

We are still in the early stages, as my husband has only recently put in his web design rpl test, so have a long way to go.


So pleased you are enjoying it over there, and hope to be over there as soon as we can!!!


Kind Regards


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Hi Sarah


Thanks for a great post, we are coming over in August for our reccie/validation trip to Canberra, a bit like yourselves we have never set foot in Australia, and its good to hear from people who have settled in Canberra, as the majority of people on here go to the big city's. Also great help with the cost of living over there.


Thanks again and best of luck for the next 2 years



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Guest destinationoz

Brilliant thread!! I found that really useful thanks!

We are coming on our validation trip to Canberra in May so this is great information ...


In terms of rent - what area do you live and how do you find it?



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Guest sarahnshaun

Hi everyone,


Glad that you found it useful. This site was our main reference point when we were moving out.


With regards to why we feel our life out here is better than in the uk, there are a number of reasons really...


Nothing can beat seeing your children laughing and joking, splashing about in the paddling pool. During the summer months, they are out in it pretty much everyday! The kids faces when they see a lizard in the garden, a kookaburra, cockatoos etc in the garden or seeing kangaroos, possums in the bush opposite our house.


Simple things... the drive to work. Admitedly there are a few roadworks in Canberra right now but coming from the uk and it usually taking 1 1/2 hrs to get 10 miles, 30 minutes to get 30km in rush hour is bliss!


The weather... it sounds cliched but going to bed each night knowing that when you wake up, it will be another sunny day does make a difference. The one thing we do like about Canberra is that it has definite seasons. Canberra in winter does get cold!


The people.... I know that not everyone is the same and there are always a few bad apples but generally, I have not come across as much negative behaviour and most people are friendly, offer to help out etc. In the UK, there were quite a few times when I felt uneasy out after certain hours. Here, I haven't come across it. The general outlook of people is usually, to better themselves.


Housing. Although Canberra does have, on average, the highest house prices, you do get a lot for your money. Our rental is Fraser which is on the very edge of the north of Canberra and has approximately 900sqm. Opposite the house is open bushland looking onto NSW with a well maintained clean park.


2hrs away is the coast. It's a bit of a trek but you can do it in one day if you want to however most people go for the weekend. The water is warm in the summer and the beaches are lovely. Also 2hrs away is Sydney if you fancy a day trip or a citybreak. We've driven to Sydney and back the same day before now to take the kids to the aquarium and zoo and to do a bit of shopping. Of course, if you don't fancy driving to the coast on a sunny day, you can always go down to Cotters Creek for a swim. In the summer, the water is just like stepping into a bath and the kids love it. We take a picnic with us and take advantage of the free barbeque facilities they have.


Canberra does really cater for kids aswell. There are numerous swimming clubs in Canberra and activities. Anyone coming over for a visit with kids, I recommend definitely recommend Questacon and the zoo. For anyone without kids, Canberra has a really good nightlife. It has a large number of good restaurants, bars and nightclubs. These are all centred around Civic.


When we moved, we literally sold everything we owned and started from scratch. If there is anyone else doing this, here are a few good websites to give you an idea of prices of furnishings:


Harvey Norman Australia | Your Specialist in Electrical, Computers, Furniture and Bedding - you can get everything here and they often have good sales on.

Fantastic Furniture > Home - this is basically a budget furniture shop but they do good start up packages where you can buy all furniture for a room in one package. The other option if you don't mind second hand furniture is Local Classifieds, Buy and Sell for Free | allclassifieds. Here you can pick up anything from fridges to furniture, childcare to pets. eBay doesn't have a very strong following here in Canberra so this sort of takes its place.


For stuff for the home like bedding, cutlery, general household wares etc, there are a number of places such as Kmart, Target, Bigw that offer everything like this.


If anyone is looking to buy a car, there are a number of places you can go but the majority of the car dealerships are in Fyshwick. here's a good website though: Buy New & Used Cars | Find Cars for Sale at carsguide.com.au which is a little like autotrader in the uk.


Anyone looking for employment can check out this website: Canberra Jobs. Employment and careers in Canberra, ACT


to give you an idea of what the shopping malls are like over here, have a look at Home - Westfield Belconnen and Canberra Centre


oh a little tip, For anyone coming over to visit, I definitely recommend a satnav in your hire car. We've been here nearly 2 years and still sometimes get lost without ours!


Now, I wont keep this too one sided. There are things we miss about home. Family events are one thing that we miss but we do skype family on a weekly basis to keep in touch and we have been known to skype family events so we don't miss out! Another thing I miss, it sounds stupid but decent sausages! You cannot find them and for someone who was used to sausage sandwiches on a sunday morning, when I go back to the uk for a visit, I will be visiting sainsbury's to get a pack of richmond irish!!!

Clothes. I do miss Next, River Island, Debenhams, House of Fraser and even primark. Clothes are more expensive here although you can get dorothy perkins and marks and spencer delivered to Australia if you buy online. There are some good shops here however you do have to shop about a bit.

TV. Yes, you do get imported programmes (we've just had the last Gavin and Stacey series air over here) but in general, the quality of the programmes isn't as good. PS. for anyone moving over that likes Coronation Street or Eastenders, we are about a year behind what you are currently watching. When we definitely were moving over, I stopped watching it in the UK so it wasnt such a big gap when we moved!


But that is about it! So comparing what we love about Australia to what we miss, we're happy we made the move.


For anyone coming over for a recce and fancies meeting up to have a chat, just let us know as we're more than happy to.



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Thanks Sarah, its great to read all the positives (and also the negatives) and get a feel for what life in Oz will be like. It sounds just like the life we are looking for. I'd best stop watching my soaps soon then :) I just can't wait until the assessment comes back and we can start the job searching!


Wishing you and your family many more happy times


Kind Regards

Katie x

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Guest destinationoz

Hi Sarah!

Another fantastic post - Thanks a million!!

Really very interesting!

YES PLEASE - we'd love to take you up on your offer of meeting! We're coming over in May for 4 weeks!

Here's to the next few years for you!!

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Guest errol flynn

Excellent post Sarah! Really useful background, opinions, information and links. :notworthy:

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Guest toops

Great post - thank you, we are waiting on advice from our Agent about timings/when to lodge the visa, I reallly, really wish we were there. Happy times ahead for us all hopefully :-))))

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Guest 101126

For anyone coming over for a recce and fancies meeting up to have a chat, just let us know as we're more than happy to.




Hi Sarah


A couple of really good posts. We have been here sox months now and would pretty much everything you have said; we really love Canberra and the lifestyle that it offers. We particularly enjoy the public events, such as the free concerts on Australia, Canberra and Skyfire, enjoying most of the music which coupled with sitting out in the sun with a picnic, the fireworks and flybys etc make for pretty good events.


We also love the proximity to the country side, being southside the nearness to Namadgi national park and the ease of viewing wildlife you mention is great; I particularly like sitting on the balcony looking at Sulphur crested cockatoo, Australian Kings and galaas is great.


Regarding you being happy to meet up, Squem is organising an event on 15th May and has a thread posted so have a look and see if you fancy coming along.

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Guest PaulTC

Hi Sarah,

Excellent thread, ,myself , Joanne and 2 kids, 6 &1 , are selling up and moving to Canberra from Ireland, and will land to start a new life with just our suit cases, so all the info, links etc. have been fantastic help. We arrive in late July this year, so would love to meet up for a chat.


Paul, Joanne, Sean 6, Laura 18 months.

First applied for 175 visa in July 2007, eventually got 176 visa on Paddy's day 2010.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest hunterbj2005



I'd like to add my thanks for all of the information you've provided - especially the cost of living figures!


I was particularly interested in your pre-Oz questions about childcare. Coming from Berlin where 4-5 year olds pay around 25€ per month for full day care, I admit to being shocked by some of the figures quoted for Canberra (and we will be eligible for the 50% rebate!).


I see you've opted for private child minding - is that because it was cheaper or better or were there other considerations?


Cheers for any info you can provide.


Brad & Gisela.

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