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Should we send off pcc/meds now?


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there has been a reduction of the medical doctors as well, so there may be a big rush on for people to get medicals with not enough medical centres, hence more waiting time??


I thought that may be the case, but when i rang they were able to give me lots of appoitment choices! I chose the half term holiday time, but they could of fitted me in as early as next week! In the Manchester one if helps?

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I'm not sure if the waiting times have changed but noticed you're in Manchester, we went to St John St and were really pleased with the service, Dr Million's a bit of a legend.

£695 for a family of 6, 2 adults and 4 children (under 10, think you might have to pay more for older kids) But looking at the prices that some people pay, this seems fairly reasonable.

Good luck with all your plans,



Our is also St Johns Street. £821 family of three, but classed as three adults.

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Guest guest38987

I'm applying for a prospective spouse visa


I still can't decide if I should send my meds with the application or wait until I'm asked for them?

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Guest man2010

Hi Jools182,

i posted something earlier regarding doing medicals in advance. I am new to pomsinoz.My agent advised to do the medicals in advance which is what we did and hopefuly it should help speed up the processing.

Thanx :wub:

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I'm applying for a prospective spouse visa


I still can't decide if I should send my meds with the application or wait until I'm asked for them?


May be obvious, but I wouldn't hold on to your application whilst waiting to get meds done. (I am assuming that you are making a UK-Offshore application.) In my case, front loading does not seem to have made much difference for a Partner Migration Visa, but may be prospective visas are processed differently. (And it is pure conjecture on my part as I have no idea how the process is actually executed e.g. whether the individual Case Officer you are assigned has an impact on processing times, and my own individual case which I think is simple, but may be not.) Check other threads on processing times for your visa type.


Good luck!

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Guest Rah Rah

Hi all, we have just got SS for WA and the acceptance form changes us to a 457 (475 whichever) provisional visa, we are none CLS MODL or anything else but this does move us from CAT 6 to 5. a mini bonus, i haven't really been on PIO for a few months so im a bit out of touch.


What are the 'realistic' waiting times for guys like us, and would it be woreth us concidering uploading our meds/pc's early too.


Also, what is the update iv seen mentioned a few times in this thread, are there more changes afoot???


P.S. Im originally from 30 miles from Manchester and now live in South Wales, and im not enticed 150 miles back, never mind 10,000 :biglaugh:

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