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Maybe Labour will surge ahead now!


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Liam Byrne: No new tax rises under Labour - Telegraph

Yesterday, in a surprise intervention ahead of the Budget, Liam Byrne, the Chief Secretary to the Treasury, ruled out further increases, including VAT, should Labour win the election.

Will the people fall for it? I think they will!:unsure:

I think it may work against them as most people realise that the only way out of our debt misery is for the good old tax payer to cough up, yet another lie by our weasel government should be another nail in there coffin!

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Guest Guest31881

I suppose it depends on what they refer to as tax, Holding income tax and VAT would still allow them to increase NI contributions, Car tax, petrol tax, insurance tax, airtravel tax, and the hundreds of other taxes that are paid either directly or indirectly.

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I suppose it depends on what they refer to as tax, Holding income tax and VAT would still allow them to increase NI contributions, Car tax, petrol tax, insurance tax, airtravel tax, and the hundreds of other taxes that are paid either directly or indirectly.

Very True, it has happened here like that!

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Liam Byrne: No new tax rises under Labour - Telegraph

Yesterday, in a surprise intervention ahead of the Budget, Liam Byrne, the Chief Secretary to the Treasury, ruled out further increases, including VAT, should Labour win the election.

Will the people fall for it? I think they will!:unsure:


Typical Labour, trying to appeal to the stupid.


I remember years ago when that horrible Barrie Unsworth was the State Labour leader of NSW, coming up to a state election after years of terrible management, he came up with promising to cut the cost of car registration by 50% as a desparate attempt to win support, thank god he was slaughtered in the polls as he was rubbish at this job.

Barrie Unsworth is the reason that Sydney has so many toll roads.

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