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Gutted about exchange rate


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To compare Australia to the UK on the basis of costs alone is a little fruitless in my view. There are too many variables involved. (e.g. what do you compare Melbourne costs with - London, Glasgow, etc. Prices vary loads across the UK as well as in Oz.)


And yes, everyone agrees that the exchange rate is far worse than it was a few years ago, and as a result the pound doesn't stretch as far as it once did. But there was also a time when the pound was worth US$10 - its life, things change and the people who choose to dwell on it too much will just end up being depressed as life passes them by.


Just some thoughts for folks to consider:


It IS possible to live well in Australia on Aussie dollars (ie. on an Aussie wage) - millions of people do it - but it all depends on the lifestyle choices you make, where you choose to live, where you choose to shop and so on. Similar to the UK.


Australia is very different from the UK in lots of ways, and the sooner people who arrive there stop comparing everything to "back home" (especially costs) the easier it will be to adjust to life in Oz. Fair enough, compare costs out of interest but don't go getting all depressed about it as the costs there are the costs there and they won't change - so your view of them will have to, otherwise you'll become even more depressed.


If you are able to, consider your sterling as a nice nestegg that will eventually grow again (in terms of exchange rate / Aussie dollars). Try and set it aside if you can do, until such time as the rate returns to something you are happy with - bearing in mind this will take time.


Finally, if you are looking at moving to Oz purely to "upgrade" your lifestyle compared to the UK (e.g. to have a cheaper cost of living, being able to buy a flasher car, etc etc) then please reconsider going to Oz. You will only be disappointed. There is much more to Oz than that - its the QUALITY of lifestyle, not necessarily the cost, which is loads better.


just some thoughts. IMHO, rather than worrying about the exchange rate, people should focus on getting their skills up to date, preparing to find a good job in Oz and being open to dealing with whatever Oz will throw at them when they first arrive.

Honest Post Thank you

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