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Apply for spouse visa here or there?


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Hi, just wondering if its better to apply for my spouses visa whilst still here in the UK or to go over on a tourist visa or WHV and apply for a spouses visa when we're there and settled? I read somewhere that there are advantages to applying in Aus but it didn't elaborate on what they were. Although I am guessing that if my husband was to have a job in Australia it would be easier.


However I can see a couple of problems. we have 3 young children, f I am on a tourist visa I am guessing that I wouldn't be able to get childcare payments and centrelink etc, but would my husband be able to get these anyway as he is a citizen.


Also I wouldn't be able to work unless I had a WHV but then that is only 6 months at a time so no serious employer is likely to like that, plus can my children go on this visas?


Also its more expensive to apply over there, is there a reason for this?


Any advice would be greatly recieved, I think we would qualify for consideration fo permanant spouse visa straight away as we have been togehter for 5 years and have dependant children. I don't know if that makes a difference.


Just thinking whether its better to go and be sure we like it and can settle before paying out more money for my visa

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The government doesnt like you coming in on visas that dont really match your intentions - they expect tourists to come in, have a great time and leave. If you look like you have any intention of staying then they will send you back as soon as you arrive. With 3 young kids you wouldnt get a WHV anyway (no dependents). If you were a tourist you couldnt work and therefore wouldnt need childcare payments.


If you have been together for 5 years and have kids together then you would definitely be better to get your spouse visa straight away from UK. Your kids will be Aussie by descent too (assuming your husband is not Aussie by descent or has lived here for several years).


Dont try to be sneaky with DIAC, just be upfront - shouldnt take you too long to get your spouse visa.

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The government doesnt like you coming in on visas that dont really match your intentions - they expect tourists to come in, have a great time and leave. If you look like you have any intention of staying then they will send you back as soon as you arrive. With 3 young kids you wouldnt get a WHV anyway (no dependents). If you were a tourist you couldnt work and therefore wouldnt need childcare payments.


If you have been together for 5 years and have kids together then you would definitely be better to get your spouse visa straight away from UK. Your kids will be Aussie by descent too (assuming your husband is not Aussie by descent or has lived here for several years).


Dont try to be sneaky with DIAC, just be upfront - shouldnt take you too long to get your spouse visa.



Thanks I think it possibly is best to get it here. It wasn't so much about trying to be sneaky. Just trying to see if we could avoid the cost up front, see if we could settle and then after 6 months get my visa is we decide to stay but hadn't thought about the "other intentions" aspect.


Oh and he is by descent and hasn't lived there at all so kids don't qualify :(

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