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Need some friends in Melbourne!

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People keep saying to me 'you'll make friends soon enough, you've only been here 3 weeks!' but am starting to go insane! OH is great but I think he is starting to get a bit sick of me!


Anyone living in or around St Kilda?! Am a girl of 24 and a MH nurse with BF wh is 26 and working in insurance!


Need some girlfirends desperately - who especially like shoes!


Lou x

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Think its a little harder living near the city as just like all cities, everyone rushes around and then leaves in the evening and returns to their homes which are further out. Work is a good place to start, accept every invitation you get.


Join a club, footy clubs are good places to start, common interest, St Kilda is favourite with lots of Brits.


Join the gym, yoga class. Frequent the same cafe, pub. People then become familiar.


Good luck it will happen but three weeks is not that long, and I think females are harder nuts to crack in the friendship stakes.

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Karl N, definately, look us up when you arrive! When we got here I had restrain myself from just goin gup to people in the street and saying 'will you be my friend?!' with a huge grin! I have been informed that these are the actions a crazy person and will get me nowhere! I told BF that if someone came up to me I would cetainly think they were not all there, but now I am in that situation I will welcome anyone with friendliness, especially as once you get out of education it becomes increasingly difficult to make friends! So yeah definately look us up!


Have PM'd you about St Kilda! Good luck with it all and let me know if I can help in anyway with St Kilda,



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Think its a little harder living near the city as just like all cities, everyone rushes around and then leaves in the evening and returns to their homes which are further out. Work is a good place to start, accept every invitation you get.


Join a club, footy clubs are good places to start, common interest, St Kilda is favourite with lots of Brits.


Join the gym, yoga class. Frequent the same cafe, pub. People then become familiar.


Good luck it will happen but three weeks is not that long, and I think females are harder nuts to crack in the friendship stakes.

Am getting there, joining the gym tonight against my will but hoping I may be able to shift soem xmas weight and make a friend!


I know I've just got to give it time but 3 weeks can feel like a lfe time when you're desperate for some similar company, makes you miss everyone dear at home even more! It's funny really I wasn;t really that bothered at home with going out etc, but I feel a big need for it right now, especially when I can here the whole block of flats come alive on the weekends!


Have made friends with the neighbours, but we're at that point where we're not sure whether it's too soon to be knocking the door for drinks! Also we have not sofa at the moment so can't just invite them round, so would be knocking and basically saying, 'can i come in a drink with you!!!!'


Anyway thanks for the words of encouragement!

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we are moving out in august too! i am a pharmacist (26) and my partner barry (28) is an electrician. we are coming over in couple of weeks and are going to the meet up on 27th feb if u interested. I am the same as you, just trying to make some friends before we move over so not lonely!! hope u are settling ok!


Vanessa x

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Hi Its kelly - You've always got me!!! But then you see me every day!! LOL


But you know where i am if you wanna go out. Theres a get together posted on here soon. 20th Feb.


See you thursday.x




where is the get together on 20th feb?? we are in Melbourne then, so we could come too! i know there is one the week after on 27th feb in the city, which we are also going to.





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vanessa, think the meet on the 20th might be at cardinia near berwick. I know my dad (bordy) is organising it on Britvics, but then again i could be wrong :)

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where is the get together on 20th feb?? we are in Melbourne then, so we could come too! i know there is one the week after on 27th feb in the city, which we are also going to.






Hi Its the cardinia park one that liane is refering too that Bordy is organising. Will try and find it. Im sure its on here. 20th Feb for def

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Guest Shazwiz

Hi Lou,

My hubby and I have just arrived in Melbourne about 2 weeks ago. I am in a similar situation in that I know no-one. I am 30 (does that make me too old??!! LOL), teacher. Hubby also 30 works in IT. Living temporarily in CBD but moving to Prahran next week.

Not sure what your shifts are being Nurse, but if you fancy a coffee or something next week, or to meet the 4 of us this weekend, let me know - would be fun to meet up.

Now I will show my ignorance - don't know how to contact people on here apart from messages such as this (obviously don't wanna post mobile number here!)...??


Karl & Fiona - it wouls be gr8 to meet you guys too when you come over. Fiona and I already have something in common being teachers!




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Hi folks, your not wrong when you say its harder to make new friends once your out of education, but stick with it. Although walking up to random strangers can be seen as a little suspect!!! Myself and the OH are always up for a meet over coffee or beer, I'm 31 she's 32 (which I keep praying isn't over the hill just yet), we both get random days off due to working 3day weeks so just drop us a line



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Guest golden grahams

Hi Lou

its mark and karen, if you fancy meeting up give us a shout, and anyone else actually, we are desperate to meet up with people, i really miss sitting in a pub during the aftrenoon putting the word to rights drinking beer, if anyone fancies the above, please please please gives a shout, (desperation).

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Karl & Fiona - it wouls be gr8 to meet you guys too when you come over. Fiona and I already have something in common being teachers!






Hi Sharon, we'll definitely be in touch when we get there. Fiona especially wouldl like to talk to another teacher to see how your getting on etc, out of interest what subject is it you teach? Fiona teaches religious studies in secondary school.



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Hi Mark,


Definately up for some drinks! I know what you mean about desperation, I never thought I would miss it so much, Dan is usually the one wishing he was out all the time, but am starting to go insane!!!!!


Pau1evs - no problems with kids! It's for everyone who wants to make some friends, just I started it with a few bits about myself!!!

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Hi Lou

its mark and karen, if you fancy meeting up give us a shout, and anyone else actually, we are desperate to meet up with people, i really miss sitting in a pub during the aftrenoon putting the word to rights drinking beer, if anyone fancies the above, please please please gives a shout, (desperation).




ah....sitting in the pub of an afternoon and putting the world to rights....heaven....I'm up for that.


I tried to send you a PM with my number but it won't let me, so give us a shout and we'll sort something.



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Hope you don't mind me jumping onto this thread but we would also be up for meeting some new people! We are Gill (32) and Chris (35) and have been here since March 2009. Made a really good group of friends but always up for meeting more folks!


Sitting in the pub all afternoon putting the world to right - awesome!


Gill and Chris

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just a thought. are we able to drink in 'public', say in the parks in central melbourne etc? It just on the basis of some of us having kids and no babysitters, if they are anything like mine then they will get bored sitting in a bar, so if theres green spaces we can drink in then at least the kids (and adults) can play.


Or are there any bars with (outdoor) playing spaces for the kids?


Im wondering now - are there any BBQ places near town? Could organise another BBQ after the one on the 20th feb, this one in town ??



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I assume you can drink in the parks? Dan and I were wondering this earlier? All the signs in St Kilda just say 'no alcoholic bevs after 8pm' so I assume that as long as we aren't out past this time it should be fine?!


Also you can buy beer coolers in all the shops, so again I assume these are designed for you to be able to take drinks out? Plus on Australia day I am sure I saw lots of young people gathering int he parks with booze?!

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Guest Kathryn7
just a thought. are we able to drink in 'public', say in the parks in central melbourne etc? It just on the basis of some of us having kids and no babysitters, if they are anything like mine then they will get bored sitting in a bar, so if theres green spaces we can drink in then at least the kids (and adults) can play.


Or are there any bars with (outdoor) playing spaces for the kids?


Im wondering now - are there any BBQ places near town? Could organise another BBQ after the one on the 20th feb, this one in town ??





sounds like a great idea, it would be good having something like this centrally

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Guest golden grahams
ah....sitting in the pub of an afternoon and putting the world to rights....heaven....I'm up for that.


I tried to send you a PM with my number but it won't let me, so give us a shout and we'll sort something.




Excellent, i work 9-5, monday - friday, and karen my OH, works shifts but gets every other weekend off, and the kids have it very cushy as they get every weekend off, do fancy a quick bevvy or two this Sunday afternoon?


Lou/Dan, fancy joing us, actually that is an open invite, Kelly Chis fancy any impromtu beer?

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Excellent, i work 9-5, monday - friday, and karen my OH, works shifts but gets every other weekend off, and the kids have it very cushy as they get every weekend off, do fancy a quick bevvy or two this Sunday afternoon?


Lou/Dan, fancy joing us, actually that is an open invite, Kelly Chis fancy any impromtu beer?


Im on a early on sunday - valentines day:wubclub: - but meeting up after sounds good. Have mentioned it to chris so will get a def answer to you.


I was in town yesterday with a mate and we were drinking in one of the pubs on federation square. nice pub.

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