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Doesn't this make you want to leave


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I have just read this on the BBC news website and it makes me feel sick. What the hell is going on in the minds of the half wit judges. The people are sopossed to be educated and better than us. Read on.


A convicted paedophile is living in the grounds of a primary school despite a court battle to evict him.

Timothy Martin, 34, was found guilty at St Albans Crown Court last week of sexual activity with a child.

A judge refused an eviction bid in December saying Martin had a tenancy agreement and had not been convicted.

Martin is on bail awaiting sentencing - an appeal against the failed eviction bid will be heard on 25 May.

Martin moved into the school cottage last July when he was offered the job of caretaker at Beechfield School in Watford, Herts.

Police checks by the school then revealed the investigation against him.

The council started eviction proceedings against Martin as soon as he was charged last September - the proceedings were heard at Watford County Court in early December.

But the judge refused to force Martin out even though he had not signed a tenancy agreement.

The judge said under the law he had an assured short term tenancy agreement and was allowed to remain.

The council then tried to get the Crown Court judge presiding over Martin's criminal case to alter his bail conditions to say he could not live on the school grounds but he also refused.

Parents were not told of Martin's background until after his conviction when they received a letter from the head teacher, who until then was legally bound not to inform them.

A spokesman for Hertfordshire County Council said: "We are appalled by this situation."

Measures were taken by the school to prevent Martin gaining access to its buildings, with security doors being kept locked and the head teacher monitoring children as they left the grounds.

An appeal was immediately lodged against the county court's decision but this is not due to be heard until 25 May


The Tuckers :realmad: :realmad: :confused:

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What can I say,

Dont they learn anything from past crimes, I just hope Holly & Jessica's parents havent read this because I know how I'd feel (how I do feel) if I was them.

Its just waiting to happen all over again.


Sam x

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Guest EM&M

Again this is political correctness gone wrong, we cant infringe on his HUMAN RIGHTS, well what happened to that little girls human rights when he invaded them. Dont get me started especially when I got 2 little girls. They should chop his hands off amongst other things.


Tucker just a little tip.....theres a spell checker right over on the right hand side when you write a post hehe. Mind u I never noticed any spelling mistakes cos Im crap at spelling too!


Em x

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Guest Scarletfever

Yep, totally agree. You'd think with all the obvious outrage shown by everybody when something like this happens, some bugger would listen!


I know about peoples rights etc........but if some politician was to endevour to make the main strike of his manifesto to do something about this sort of thing, I reckon we'd have our new P.M.

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Well thats makes me more determined to find a sponsor now and i know for a fact the minute i got that letter if it were me then my kids would be out of that school until that day where he got removed from there cos i could not live and sleep thinking about my kids all the time. God this country is getting frigging worse by the minute and,


HELLLLLLLP GET US OUT OF HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :chatterbox::realmad::arghh::shocked:

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Guest Abi&Dan

that is quite possibly the most ire inducing thing I've ever heard. The two judges involved in 1. letting him live on school grounds and 2. not amending his bail conditions should both be struck off (or whatever the judgy version of that is).


I normally don't condone mob mentality - but I don't reckon he'll be staying there long now the parents know (either that or the police will be forced to mount a 24 protection watch for his 'human rights')

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Guest Scarletfever
the judges want sacking stupid twats and if i found out a peado was living on lexioes school grounds i wud just set the cottage on fire - sorry if any one out there believes in letting the law deal with him blah blah blah - i loathe them they shud be tortured and skinned alive



wow......chelle with an attitude..................cool!:P

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Guest Impatient
the judges want sacking stupid twats and if i found out a peado was living on lexioes school grounds i wud just set the cottage on fire - sorry if any one out there believes in letting the law deal with him blah blah blah - i loathe them they shud be tortured and skinned alive

Nope, don't agree with revenge, just justice. These people should just be quietly put down like the dogs they are so that no one ever has to be their victim again. Message needs to get out there that kids are off limits, no excuse, zero tolerance, no second chances. Anyone that could do such a thing has no value to society and should just be done away with, screw their human rights.


Big fan of innocent until proven guilty, but someone has to be able to look at the weight of evidence and make some sort of common sense call in all of this. What if this chap had been innocent but someone had found out? Cottage coulda been fire bombed (Chelle!) because of the perception that the law would not do enough. Much better to move the chap quietly (by force if necessary), try him, then either let him go back to his life if innocent or convict and kill him....

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Guest Impatient

Trouble is, the UK Government would only turn the torture process into a huge expensive faff. Just a quick lethal injection, of 5 mins in a dark room with the parents ought to do it...

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Guest kelly

i did read this in the paper on saturday, and yes he is being protected by police who are gaurding his house, what about the protection of the children in that school, as far as im concerened he gave up all rights of being a part of society and he also should not be intiltled to any human rights, he abused the childs human rights and i believe that slow painfull torture ending in death would be the only fitting punishment for anyone who takes away a childs innocence. i do agree with jo though that its the ones you dont even know are there that are the real danger, my kids will be about 32 before i let them out of my sight.

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Guest kelly

my son keeps telling me he needs his freedom, he is only 9, why do they want to grow up so fast anyway, i cant let him out the front i just cant i need to know they are in and safe, how did lexie take the news, our little girlie dont need to leave home she is 6 and is still going to marry daddy ,bless

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Guest kelly

i agree with you totally, i am amazed at how young some of the kids are that play out in our street alone some are as young as 3 and they are not being watched by parents, josie is fine. but im finding it increasingly difficult with morgan, he is due to start secondry school next september and i wont let him out of my sight, he wants to walk round shop on his own and go round the block on his bike but i just cant let him, i know i will have to eventually but i think 20 is an acceptable age to be let out alone, at least will have a fighting chance of defending himself then, hopefully things will be different in oz and he will be able to go out with his, ill still be a nervous wreck though

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Guest mandytuck

Everyone Knows They Are All Scum And More Should Be Done To Prevent Them Being Near Children. There Will Be Paedos In Oz Too....does Anyone Know What They Do To Them?

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