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arrived in Newcastle and already missing home!!

Guest the stanleys

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Hi to the Stanleys.


We have lived in the Newcastle area for nearly 3 yrs now. We started our adventure in Kalgoorlie in the WA outback back in 2005. We (my family) are desparate for UK friends so if we can be of help especially as it is near Christmas let us know. We have 4 children (19,17,11,9) and I work at the Newcastle Coal Terminal. It does get better, but as we were told it will take 2 yrs before you really settle. I mean its taken me 3yrs to find a shop that sells pork pies, or to find someone who knows what a pork pie is. As for scotch eggs, I gave up and made my own in the end. But the sun and the pool in the backyard, does make up for it.


And for anyone else out their, we could do with a network to talk to and make friends. I think that is the bit we miss the most. No one gets our sense of humour.

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Guest Guest31881
Hi there

well the adventure has begun and to be honest it has not got off to a good start. We landed last Tuesday tired but excited yet it all seems to have gone down hill since then. we have a holiday rental in the port stephens area but the likelihood of a more permanet one in this area is looking doubtful. We have therefore decided to look in and around Newcastle ( better for work for me). But i just can't seem to get excited I just want to cry all the time and to be honest if anyone offered me a ticket back home I wound snatch it off them and be on my way.

I know we have not been here long enough to form a proper impression and all it seems to have done is rain. yet I just don't seem to be feeling it. It has always been my dream to live here and I feel sort of let down. I also feel I have let my family down too. I am already dreading christmas.

I am desperate to love it but as I feel now I think we will be heading back within the year. Is there anyone in the Newcastle area who can give us help or advice?? We have 3 young boys (8,6,3) who need friends, a school and some structure not to mention a bit of fun. Oh yes and parents who need some adult conversation!!

I am sorry If this is rambling but I just need to get it off my chest, I just hope we haven't made the biggest mistake of our lives. Well off to get ready now, another day of house hunting ahead!!

Thanks for taking the time to read this


Love the Stanleys xx


Ok sit down and take a deep breath, and don't try to get everything done in a few days. Your rental property is out there you just have to find it, and once you do you will start to feel more settled. Your boys will soon start to make friends once they settle into school after the school holiday, and I am sure there are others in your area from PIO that will only be to willing to invite you over for a cuppa and a chat. Possibly Christmas is the worst time of year to arrive as you will be thinking of friends and family.


Everyone who arrives here feels what you are feeling to a lesser or greater degree, it is a big shock to your system to arrive in a new country and start afresh with everything, and at the moment you have no friends who you can chat to or have a good moan with. Unfortunatly I can't do anything about the weather we get the other complaint in Queensland that it does not rain enough.


I would suggest that you take time out from your busy schedule for a day out together and relax. Find somewhere to go that the whole family will enjoy.


If in 3, 6 or 12 months you still feel the same then that is the time to sit the family down and talk about the next step. it may be move states, it may be return to UK. But what ever happens you have not let the family down, the kids will look on it as a great adventure. I feel sure that once you have a rental, the kids are in school and you are settled in a job things will start to look better. Just look forward to the new year as a new start.

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  • 5 weeks later...
Guest johanna

Hi to the stanleys, we are family with 3 boys living in merewether. We too felt the culture shock in a big way and still are but things improve so much after a few weeks. Happy to meet if you want. My boys are 10,7,5 , take care chin up

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