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Advice please. May have a job offer!


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HI all,


So weve been trying to obtain a job offer anywhere in Oz and we have come across a position in Sydney. Jamie phoned the job yesterday and the recruitment manager is very interested in Jamies application. Its a permanent full time position with well above award wages in west Sydney. We asked if they would be interested in sponsorship and the manager wasnt sure if they are allowed but was going to find out and if they are said he would be very interested!!:jiggy:Trying to stay calm right now.


Its actually with the corrective services department of the NSW government. I was worried as you have to be a PR to get the job but i see they can sponsor us for PR so im keeping my whole body crossed that this may work out! Can anyone verify that im right?? xx

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Guest Magnetic6


I've been reading your posts and this sounds like such brilliant news, keeping everything crossed for you!!

Natalie x

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Guest hazeotoole

Best of Luck finally some good news after all the doom and gloom of the 23rd :) well done hope it all goes well for you both.

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Guest Karen and Colin
can someone with greater knowledge confirm we can be employer sponsored for PR to enable us to be offered a post that requires you to be a PR in the first place?

Many thanks



Hi Kelly,


First of all I won't say I have greater knowledge........but I did have a conversation similar to your question with our agent in Edinburgh. My understanding is that as long as the employer will guarantee the employment for 2-3 years there shouldn't be an issue with PR. It would be worth double checking this but that is what we got out of the conversation with our agent.


We were thinking about trying to get employer sponsorship if it is going to take the 2 - 3 years to get the 176 visa. Still hoping to be going at the beginning of 2011 though. Got to keep positive even though it's very difficult at the moment.


Great news if you guys can secure the sponsorship & make the move. Good luck and keep the fingers crossed. Hope it all works out for you.



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