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Help!! Let down by job offer while doin 457 visa.Any1 want a brickie?


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Hey guys, my oh is a brickie, we r in process of a 457 visa but have been let down by a job offer.

Does any1 in the Port Kenndey WA or surrounding areas know of any1 please?

I have family in the area that we will live with on arrival & we r all ready 2 go at this end. Just need sum1 2 give us a chance.

My oh is very hard workin & loyal, he would make an excellant employee. If u know any1 that wud b willin 2 give us a go, please let me know.:sad:

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Sorry to hear you were let down, the same thing happened to us about 6 months ago. Its heart breaking. My advice would be to try and find other options so that you are not relying on finding a sponsor, it's not easy. Can you not go for 175 ? Can hubby do a skill assessment to get his AQF3 ?


Good Luck, Karen.

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