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Just arrived in Sydney!... anyone fancy a pint???

Guest Rico

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Hi all


I just arrived in Sydney last Thursday. Weather has been pretty good so far, but yesterday wasn't the best.... in fact there was torrential rain on Friday night!


So far its been good fun, but a lot to take in. I will be starting a full-time job hopefully in about 10 days so I've just been wandering about...its a lot to take in.


Although I'm enjoying myself, I am feeling a tad homesick and lonely... been out with some folk from work which helped though.


If there are any other people out there in the same boat and would like to meet up for a beer or coffee please send me an e-mail:







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  • 2 years later...

Hi Rico, hope the job goes well and you get meeting people soon. I`m out there soon, fly christmas day. Let me know how you get on. good luck x

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