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Tradesmen dont want to work


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Guest lilly mist

Reading about all this work has made me excited as my hubby is a carpenter....but on the other hand made me worry as if everyone is skipping work how do we pay our bills....hmm...not sure working for an aussie boss who shuts up for the day sounds very stable life with 2 kids....:nah:


POMMS getting togther for work does sound like a brill idea though...good luck to you all......:v_SPIN:

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Guest The Greens

Must be frustrating, for everyone. But for us it looks good. Tony my OH is a S/E builder and has built houses with his gang of 4. no jobs too small, .reputation is everything, and he's the most reliable guy you could wish for and manic about time. You can set your bloody watch by him. Often he's on site at 6.00am in the morning. He's built houses from foundation slab to the hand over with building inspectors for mortgages, from bricking, carpentry plastering and decorating, he does the lot. Only thing he won't touch is electrics. Trouble is he's too quiet and too easy going. If he had any drive at all I'd be living in luxury by now. But luv's him to bits and just have to accept he values life more than money. Think he'll do a bomb in Ozz if all this post is right.

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Guest Scarletfever

From what I've heard from mates who are over there and working the trades, its the same as over here.....you'll get good Aussie tradies and bad ones.


To be fair, all my mates reckon the aussie guys are really hard working and don't shy away from work at all.



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We've had 3 people round to give us a quote for renovating our bathroom. Initially OH was going to rip out all old stuff tiles etc. The first quote (a brit), quoted $12,000 with OH doing most of the work and us buying all the stuff. mmmm. I thought whas is he actually going to do. Me thinks he's taking the Micheal - we then saw another company advertised with the same mobile phone number. The 2nd company came (by this time we'd decided that they could do all the work), but 4 weeks later we're still waiting for their quote????? The third was a company who advertise on TV and Radio - thought they'd be expensive but turned out to be cheaper than the first guy. It's taken us 6 weeks just to get to this point. I know WA stands for Wait Awhile - but people here really don't rush.



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Guest london cabbie

well there is something positive in all this...if all you builders,carpenters,plumbers and skilled tradesmen go out there with the english work ethic then surely youv'e got half a chance !!!


Good luck...Jamie

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Sorry to disappoint all of you people but you will find, contrary to what is being said here, that Aussie tradesmen are not lazy. The usual reason they don't get back to you is that they have more work than they have time. I do agree that it is bad manners to miss an appointment without apologising. They usually start early and finish when they have accomplished what they had set for the day - whether that's 3pm or 7pm.

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Wasnt aware that anyone had called them lazy ,but no matter who you speak to aussie or english they have had the same problems,from experience i know most of them are very busy and in undated with work ,but why say you will come in 2 days time if you know you cant do the work/quote,,.I have more time for people who say sorry cant get there for another 2 week than the tosspots who say theyll do it and dont turn up.

Cal x

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Hi everyone,

For a split second there I thought my oh was married to Mrs Green:wideeyed: as what you said sounds just like my oh,his s/e and been with the same contractors for 15yrs unnfortunatley we missed out on going on skilled visa as were led to believe that you had to have a string of qualifications which is not the case. We're now going on student visa which is going to cost us almost everything we've got.:no: I do hope there is plenty of work but we're restricted to 20hrs a week and I just can't see any contractors willing to take you on for a couple of days, although I hope we're proved wrong I think it will be a case of not what you know but who, but it still scares the life out of me.



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Guest adam+chez

having read all replies it has restored my motivation for aus. i am a joiner/multi trade from Leeds and waiting for immigration stage. Role on heading for W/A planning to be s/employed.

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Guest megg2

Hi Dave 53 you say they are all lazy gits...how would you know...It,s a bit like saying all poms dont bathe or all negros dance really well.....

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I think it's like everywhere, you'll meet people who want to work and those that don't irrespective of nationality. Hubby is an electronics engineer for cable tv company - he says he's never worked so hard but all the lads are grafters poms & aussies



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Guest megg2

So who is getting on there high horse?.....My personal view in this world you cant generalise about anything or anyone....

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Guest Scarletfever
So who is getting on there high horse?.....My personal view in this world you cant generalise about anything or anyone....



Which is how I and most of the other peeps here have interperated the bulk of these posts.


Hmmm......2 posts and both of them are quite quick to have a go at people! Chill out Meggs, its a forum for discussion, not every posts is going to suit everyone.

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Guest megg2
They are all bleedin' lazy gits , thats why !! . I don't know how anything ever gets built or fixed here . There again , I suppose thats why they encourage migrants like us , to do all their dirty work ... Idle bastards ..


.......I was asking Dave 53 how would he know......Fair question I would have thought....I really do not think this statement can merely be called a generalisation...As was pointed out by CalNgary this forum would not exist without peoples views, standing up for the trades people in this country means " getting of my high horse " guys it is only my personal view.... Which has been attacked by two people now....Maybe you guys should practise what you preach and : chill out " as pointed out by Scarleftever......


And just remember " not every post is going to suit everyone " :jiggy::jiggy::jiggy:

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Hi All,


Well all if you have any tradesman/businesses be it Pommie or Aussie who provide a reliable service and you would like to recommend them, then you can add them to my trades pages that I have spent my hard earned time creating. Be it your company, partners or someone you have used.


If you are a odd job person, mobile hairdresser or whatever. Only stipulation is you MUST be in oz now to join, if you are one your way let me know when you have arrived and up at running.


Just click on the clink at the bottom of my message, we still have no-one registered in NSW or WA, SA will be available soon.




Em x

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Em we are having our bathroom renovated by an aussie company but the foreman in charge of our job will be a pommie albeit an arsenal fan but you can't have everything. So far they've been very professional but I will wait until the job is complete before I add them to your list for WA


Thanks for going to the trouble of doing it.



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Guest Dave53

I seem to have caused some consternation here , particularly to megg2 . Let me say straight away that there was no malicious intent in any comments , and if it was interpreted that way then I unreservedly apologise .I tried to put a bit of humour in the post , obviously I failed. Of course there are grafters and idlers in all fields and I did not intend my comments to generalise . I have workmates from all corners of the globe , we are all the same , we all like a easy day from time to time , but we know how to graft when need be . To all of you who feel upset by my previous comments , I say sorry .

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Flemish
Hiya we have been owners of our first aussie home since Febuary and are currently decorating and doing general titivating to it before we move in .The problem i have found is you just cant get tradesmen ,i have spoken to others i know here and they too agree so i presume its not just this area.I have lost count of the times they said they were coming and didnt turn up ,the only guys that have turned up on time were pommys!!!! Concreters,Tree loppers,Patio builders,Carpet fitters,,they just dont want to work ,apparantly its something to do with earning your beer money and chilling for the rest of the week,,its so bloody frustrating when you want jobs done ,just glad hubby is handy enough to do alot of work himself!! As anyone else experienced similar problems????

Cal x


Yes all the time for just about everything it is called being "laid back"

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest lushgardens


saw your message.hoping to move to Brisbane in the spring,I am a hairdresser here and work mobile and in a salon.Can you tell me if I would need a licence,as I have heard you need one in WA.

the husbands a builder so your service would be really handy once we arrive.Thanks,Kerry Lush

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