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We have finally arrived....

Wendy Robinson

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Hi Everyone,

It's been ages since I was last on and we are now in Perth....Bit sooner than expected but no point hangin round.Anyway heres what happened...........O/H was told on 15th may he was being made redundant on 29th may and the completion on our house was also due to to go through on 29th aswell so Effectively from 29 th we were homeless and jobless so decided to bite the bullet and use the redundancy money to finance the move.We managed to put back the finalising of the house to 5th june and booked our one way flights to Perth with Emirates.(very good flight apart from 3 kids getting fed up half way through the last leg to Perth......and also being fed every couple of hours think i put on a stone just from the flight).After landing in Perth at 12.55 am we got our hire car and had to find somewhere to stay.Managed to find a motel for 2 nights in Rivervale,and spent 2 nights in a short stay house.

We managed to find a rental in Quinns Rocks and moved in 4 days after landing.We spent our first 2 nights in our home sleeping on an air bed (not much fun 2 adults and 3 kids sharing and air bed I can tell you) because the furniture we bought couldn't be delivered until the wednesday.

Found the best shop ever if your on a tight budget and need furniture....... Fantastic Furniture on Joondalup Dr does furniture packages we managed to furnish a 4x2 for just under $6000 this included a 3 and 2 seater leather suite and 3 solid wood beds for the kids.We also got a fridge freezer and LCD tv and washing machine for $2000 all in all for other bits and pieces it cost us around $9000 (£4500) to set up a house from scratch.We are also now the proud owners of Ford Festiva which we bought for $3400 It's 9 years old and probably worth about £600 back in UK.Our eldest is now in school, he goes to Quinns Beach Primary and thinks it's great because he gets to wear a trackie to school.

He seems to have settled in very well and made some new friends,I'm not to happy our daughter can't go to school though because she is to young even though she had done a term back in the UK But they are trying to find her a place in pre primary but because it's not compulsory it could take a while .So all we have left to do now is find jobs and live the dream.Anyway sorry it was so long and a tad boring :dull:I'm off now to enjoy the lovely Perth weather........Well i would do if it would stop raining.....




PS To all those people who said you can't move on small budget......Well it CAN be done ..we came out with £15000 bought a car and furnished a house and we still have money in the bank.

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welcome to perth wendy !!!! .....as yes i totally agree it can be done on a tight budget ...there are plenty who have done it myself included ....hope it all works out for you and ur family

mrs keily

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Guest guest17301

Hi Wendy, glad you're enjoying Perth. We did it on a budget too, most of our stuff is 2nd hand so you can do it even more cheaply if you're not too fussy! It's all relative, those that say it can't be done obviously have higher expectations- nothing wrong with that though.

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Guest shawgorbys

great posts ladies hope you are all well and enjoying perth hope to be with you all soon so save me a chair take care everyone andrea&family

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well done wendy!!! We came out 18 months ago with £2000. My husbands dad gave us another £1000 which bought us our fantastic furniture package. We stayed in a caravan park in a cabin for 4 weeks until we found a rental. Hubby started work after 4 days. All you need us guts & determination!!

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