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Rip Off Britain!!!


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Dont know if anyone else has experienced this my OH just taken kids to car boot,not far from where we live,thought he would park at side of road instead of paying £1 fee,as he feels this has only just come into force,and didnt want to pay it,WE PAY ENOUGH IN ROAD TAX!!!!! 2 white transits parked up watching the cars have given them all £30 FINES!! As you will imagine my OH is FURIOUS!!!

Why instead of fining people for petty crimes,go out and catch proper criminals???

On a Easter weekend surely no one wants to be bothered about people parking at the side of the road to take their kids out for an hour!!

Sorry for the rant but this country DOES MY FLAMING HEAD IN!!!! RANT OVER.

Do this happen is Oz or is it just UK????

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Guest HeywoodMonkey


I went to a car boot last year and was asked to pay £5.00 entry fee, i said they earned their money from people actually selling so i refused to pay and in the end they let me in because the traffic jam i created was blocking the road as i attempted a 3 point turn on a dirt path. People were beeping horns and swearing so i just laughed at them and pretended i couldn't perform the 3 point turn, took me about 10 minutes by which time the car boot oficials had been abused by other cars so much they waved me through, and a few others behind me for free.

I aggree though they should be out finding proper criminals, they would only have to go round the car boot and check half the people selling stuff, not paying tax, stolen dodgy goods, need i say more.

On a note though can i offer some serious advice regarding speed cameras........:radar:

If a copper pulls you over and says you were speeding and he was using a radar gun and not the Gatso, ask him there and then to produce the calibration certificate for the item in use. I have been reliably informed they are required to be calibrated every day before leaving the station and most are not because of time constraints. If he cannot say you will happily accompany him to the station where he can produce it then, if he says he will let you off then ask him for the serial number of the radar gun his pc number.:policeman:


  1. You have got off with the speeding fine.



  • Tell the copper you are reporting the incident to the Chief Superintendant and forwarding a copy of the letter to a solicitor to explore the possibilities of harrasment.

Whether or not you do the last bit will surely have the pc crapping his self and possibly save some more people speeding fines that day.

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I went to a car boot last year and was asked to pay £5.00 entry fee, i said they earned their money from people actually selling so i refused to pay and in the end they let me in because the traffic jam i created was blocking the road as i attempted a 3 point turn on a dirt path. People were beeping horns and swearing so i just laughed at them and pretended i couldn't perform the 3 point turn, took me about 10 minutes by which time the car boot oficials had been abused by other cars so much they waved me through, and a few others behind me for free.

I aggree though they should be out finding proper criminals, they would only have to go round the car boot and check half the people selling stuff, not paying tax, stolen dodgy goods, need i say more.

On a note though can i offer some serious advice regarding speed cameras........:radar:

If a copper pulls you over and says you were speeding and he was using a radar gun and not the Gatso, ask him there and then to produce the calibration certificate for the item in use. I have been reliably informed they are required to be calibrated every day before leaving the station and most are not because of time constraints. If he cannot say you will happily accompany him to the station where he can produce it then, if he says he will let you off then ask him for the serial number of the radar gun his pc number.:policeman:


  1. You have got off with the speeding fine.



  • Tell the copper you are reporting the incident to the Chief Superintendant and forwarding a copy of the letter to a solicitor to explore the possibilities of harrasment.

Whether or not you do the last bit will surely have the pc crapping his self and possibly save some more people speeding fines that day.






I agrea with you Gail if it was not dangerous they should be doing something else

and agrea with you Monkey about dodgy stall holders. ect ect


But you said Monkey

Tell the copper you are reporting the incident to the Chief Superintendant and forwarding a copy of the letter to a solicitor to explore the possibilities of harrasment

Whether or not you do the last bit will surely have the pc crapping his self and possibly save some more people speeding fines that day.



This is why there is so much crime in Britain because people like you make life so difficult for the police claiming harrasment. They are scared to do the job they are paid for.

Yes I agree call thier bluff and ask for a calibration certificate. I've been done by a camera and I was sure I was not speeding. But leave it there, do you think tying the police up with crap like that helps the mess our country is in.


Well thats got that out the way


All the best John

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It's not all good news here I'm afraid. The number of Sydney road tolls keeps rising and I do feel pretty agrieved every time I dip into my pocket to travel around town. Not so many speed cameras as the UK though. Mars bar is about 70p but Pizza Hut pizza is around 3pound (I think they were about 7pound in the UK is that right?). Petrol is 50p/litre and wages are generally lower. Some you win and some you loose but generally I think the major day-to-day expenses are cheaper.


Saying that I can still park at the beach and shopping centre for free and council rates are 2.5 times cheaper for an equivalent house. I must admit the ROB syndrom was one of the reasons we migrated and it certainly doesn't feel like that here to us. We don't experience the UK yob culture either but it does depend on where you settle.

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Guest HeywoodMonkey

This is why there is so much crime in Britain because people like you make life so difficult for the police claiming harrasment. They are scared to do the job they are paid for.

Yes I agree call thier bluff and ask for a calibration certificate. I've been done by a camera and I was sure I was not speeding. But leave it there, do you think tying the police up with crap like that helps the mess our country is in.


Well thats got that out the way


All the best John


Hy John

I am sorry i cannot place you but you seem to know me as per your quote people like you make life so difficult for the police claiming harrasment.

If someone accuses me of anything and i am innocent then regardless of clogging the system up they will feel the full weight of any force i can muster. Let me throw this one at you though,

The police are reluctant to take further action on cases involving someone claiming a member of an ethnic community has done them a wrong as the police just get hauled through the courts and accused of Racial Harrasment. " Whats Good for the Goose " springs to mind.


I think the general opinion of the British public is one of Police sitting in panda cars catching motorists " Easy prey " and generally filling in forms. They have to change that opinion and get out of their cars and hit the street. Lets have it right though, a main source of income for a police forces annual spending is sourced from Speed Cameras.

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Guest steve110

Its all down to chief constables not telling the home office to stick it.

If all police forces in the uk told the home office minister that they will not soend all day chasing speeders then we would be in a better position ........ but i spose chief constables get blinkered when the new yr honours lists are about .............


I went down south to bucks on saturday, i did well over 300 miles,and i never saw a traffic car on the motorways at all. I would rather have loads of police traffic cars about than cameras any day,at least they can catch the really bad drivers .....


Oh and can we get rid of this "speed kills" thing. its inappropriate speed kills,and it should be dangerous driving,not just speeding that is acted upon ..... (i"m sure we all know a person who does not indicate,stops for no reason,pulls out at junctions with no warning,weaves over the rd,but they are not speeding,so they are safe drivers!!!!!)

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They're big on speeding here in Aus - unlike UK they don't advertise their speed cameras either! Also, during public holiday weekends like this one, if you get caught it's double fine and double demerits (points)



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Guest mandyg

Think the traffic wardens take some beating here aswell. Iwas parked for 2 mins outside my sons school to pick him up one day and was slammed with a £60 FINE. I said to the traffic warden you fine me for parked on an unused bus stop for 2 mins weres the fines for the speeding motorists outside school driving at 40 mls hr in a 20 zone ridiculas isnt it really they shoul put speed cameras outside schools were the public would welcome them not on motorways were or long streches of dual carriage ways were no kids cross i do believe its not for safety its for revenue.

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Hello Monkey


I don't agrea with alot the police do. Dangerous drivers are a bigger problem than drivers who speed. But there still is a need to discourage drivers speeding in built up area's.

But this is really not what I disagreing with you about.



You said

The police are reluctant to take further action on cases involving someone claiming a member of an ethnic community has done them a wrong as the police just get hauled through the courts and accused of Racial Harrasment. " Whats Good for the Goose " springs to mind.


And when they do claim Racial Harrasment do you have a good moan about it? I do. So is it a little hypocritical of us to do the same thing and claim disrimination or harrasment for what ever reason.

Some people come to England and treat it with total disrespect. Does it help if we do exactly the same thing. (" Whats Good for the Goose ") does that really work?


All the best John


Ps How do you get the letters to go Blue and Red. I've tried but cannot see how you have done it.

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Guest spock

Hi E To A


Take a look below in the Postin Rules box. Click on the vB code link - that will explain it.


Spock. - I just found this myself!

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Guest The.Colebecks

Entirely know how you feel ....


Booked our son a bowling party and had to park in an overflow carpark - all the other cars were parked at right angles so hubby had to park the same way to get his car into a 'space', bought a ticket and went into the bowling alley.


Came out 2hrs later, all the other cars next to us were gone and we had a parking fine :huh: We read the 'reason' and it was because he was "not parked in a marked bay" ... there were NO bloody markings :mad: .. in fact, on closer inspection, there were red markings which were so faint and washed out that you couldn't see them at all with the sun glinting on the wet ground. Hubby was so :arghh:


We had our camera with us so I took loads of photos with the intention that hubby would use them to make a HUGE issue over it but the ticket issuing bodies are very crafty because on closer inspection of the ticket it stated that the fine was £60 but if you pay within 7 days the fine was only £30 ... just low enough to make you think twice about kicking up a stink because you just know that you are NOT going to win and will therefore end up paying full whack! OH did ring and make his point and the girl didn't give a stuff about the warn out lines etc ... :realmad:

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Oh Gail hun what a nightmare!! just gives you another negative reason to want to leave this s..t country doesn't it......your easter weekend hasn't been that great has it darlin what with you being a bit poorly too.... Speak soon Sal xxx

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