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UK Summer vs. Australian Summer


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Australian summers are way better. I LOVE the fact it's now raining in the UK, however I wouldn't have cared if air conditioning was common in homes and so on...


I can't believe how hot and humid it'a been! and alll the wasps are out... :arghh:

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Guest Vim Fuego

I prefer the Aussie (QLD) winter actually ... no humidity and a distinct lack of things biting me. Some days when I'm playing cricket it is just bloody perfect.


I sweat through the Aussie summer and look forward to these months.


The UK is great for crisp winter days and lazy late summer day/nights in a beer garden ... but I still prefer the Aussie weather, on balance.

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I am so over the Australian weather - blue skies one day, cloudless the next where I am. It's got to the point where many of us pore over the Bom site just to see if a blob of blue is coming our way.


I much prefer those long lazy UK summer days even if you dont get too many of them - last year we had a glorious 3 weeks and ate outside more often than I would in a year back here with the flies and the mozzies. I also like the crisp winter days when you can rug up and go out and come home to a good fire in a reasonably insulated house. I so enjoyed a few days of rain back in April - just walking out in it and feeling it on my skin and being able to walk on grass that gave under my feet was magic. I guess the north of NSW will have that feeling soon once the floods go down but we have been in drought for about 7 years now and I am over it.


It was fascinating to watch my granddaughter - she was 19 months when we went over and I thought she would love being out on the lawn and running about but she didnt go out much at all until right at the end and then when she discovered that the grass was good to run on she didnt stop and we struggled to get her inside because she was having so much fun running, rolling, jumping and just sitting on it! She is so used to living in the bush where the ground is hard, strewn with bark drop and more than enough ants to make walking and playing outside rather uncomfortable so she has learned that inside playing is better.

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Guest guest17301
I am so over the Australian weather - blue skies one day, cloudless the next where I am. It's got to the point where many of us pore over the Bom site just to see if a blob of blue is coming our way.


I much prefer those long lazy UK summer days even if you dont get too many of them - last year we had a glorious 3 weeks and ate outside more often than I would in a year back here with the flies and the mozzies. I also like the crisp winter days when you can rug up and go out and come home to a good fire in a reasonably insulated house. I so enjoyed a few days of rain back in April - just walking out in it and feeling it on my skin and being able to walk on grass that gave under my feet was magic. I guess the north of NSW will have that feeling soon once the floods go down but we have been in drought for about 7 years now and I am over it.


It was fascinating to watch my granddaughter - she was 19 months when we went over and I thought she would love being out on the lawn and running about but she didnt go out much at all until right at the end and then when she discovered that the grass was good to run on she didnt stop and we struggled to get her inside because she was having so much fun running, rolling, jumping and just sitting on it! She is so used to living in the bush where the ground is hard, strewn with bark drop and more than enough ants to make walking and playing outside rather uncomfortable so she has learned that inside playing is better.



OMG Quoll...I can feel the yearning in your post...I feel for you I really do...I so hope that you realise your dream of moving back to the UK one day.


The novelty of the Aussie weather has not worn off for me..I love pegging out the washing with the warm sun on my back..it feels heavenly..granted not so heavenly in Jan/Feb more like hurry up and get back indoors my skin is sizzling! I have to say thought the blue skies make me feel so good...I love it..:rolleyes:


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