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getting work


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:err: ok just wondering if any one has advice how to sell your self ozzie style on the job front, we have applied for hundreds and are really starting to think what??? i know we have a problem my oh has been an engineer , subsea aerospace for 26 years, so yep not much doing here for that , trying to get the extras like MR, allows him to drive bigger things than a car! in wa)(driving license, has a blue card, etc, he is at the mo a ta for welder / boilermaker and loves it , i might add , but this is coming to an end very very soon, so any advice tips, its certainly diff to get jobs here to uk, or we are really bad at trying , had resume done so it reads really well.. we have even applied for a grave digger .... ( whatever to stay!).. so any advice have been told to keep ringing back the company's as none ever seem to get in touch..:skeptical: on the plus side my works good, and very well paid compared to the uk ! (hairdresser).

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Hi Ya Sharon,


No you are not really bad at trying.... I just think it is different trying to get a job over here.


From my experience, anything on seek through recruitment agenices are useless.... I applied for tons of jobs through recruitment agencies and never had any responses back from them.


Has hubby tried contacting companies directly to see if they are hiring???... as you know alot of jobs aren't advertised. Unfortunately, it is a catch 22 situation here, you need aussie experience, but it is hard to get a job if you don't have it. Luckily for him, he has been working here, so that is in his favour for you.


Do you know many people over here, perhaps you could ask them to put their ear to the ground to see if anyone is hiring, as it seems it's not what you know but who you know here.


Fingers crossed for ya.



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karen youtr not wrong! a couple of pio memebers have put in a word , just his job is a bit dead , well plenty dead lol.. the job he is in was word of mouth , short term contract.. so any boilermakers in need of ta on here please give us a shout,, good luck yourself karen! xx were trying for all of it , may have to do another tour with his resume ..

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Guest sweetpea0701

I have been here 6mths....and only just got a job.

I am an IT Project Manager and the markets are so quiet....I applied for jobs that I could do standing on my head and still didn't get them

I applied for lesser roles and was told I was over qualified....you just can't win.

I have finally got a job....as a Bank Teller on a temp basis for Bank West and I start Monday.....


I thought I was going crazy ....


Good Luck

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I have been here 6mths....and only just got a job.

I am an IT Project Manager and the markets are so quiet....I applied for jobs that I could do standing on my head and still didn't get them

I applied for lesser roles and was told I was over qualified....you just can't win.

I have finally got a job....as a Bank Teller on a temp basis for Bank West and I start Monday.....


I thought I was going crazy ....


Good Luck


I think it is the same for all of us, about 200 jobs applied for 10 replied and said no (how flippin rude the not responding not the no's), got 2 interviews and finally got a job 4 weeks ago after a few months of trying. Just to let you know my new boss wanted a graduate (to save money) but now is very impressed as he was used to people not knowing what to do or scared to make a decision.

I made the decision to take a lesser job and then work my way up quickly. after a week he lent me a car for a month and got a 40% pay rise.

Just to encurage you to keep trying and not to get too wound up by the lack of replies, i think that is the way it is, personally i think its rude.:mad:

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest lowlinda

You are right Karen. Most people that I spoke to told me that they got a job because the person hiring came from the same country of origin and they were migrants before and understood how difficult it is to get a job w/o help.


If it is not because we came in a family 3 mths ago, my hubby would hv gone home. But since we are already here, we will try to make the best out of everything..

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Guest snow white

a friend of mine is working for a recruitment agency and he was a gasfitter he has said he will try to help anyone find work if theres something suitable comes up at his agency which i think is really fantastic of him after all the crap hes been through it definitely not what you know but who you know i fear !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

lesley x

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I have been in a very similar situation. I served over 11 years in the British Army. The main focus of my work was dealing with classified material and documents so that is where my main expertise lay. When I was in my last year of the Army I was entitled to do up to 5 weeks 'Resettlement' training which meant I could train for most trades, however all the courses were located in the UK and the only course I could do in Australia was as a diving instructor, which I didn't believe to be much use to me living in the Canberra area with my wife (2 hours from the sea). Also if I did attend the courses in the UK, there was no guarantee that the qualification would be accepted down under. So instead I thought I would use my time to apply for jobs in Australia, which meant I was able to spend more time with my wife and son. I soon found out that any defence jobs as a civilian, you have to be an Australian Citizen for security clearance. The fact I have a UK clearance doesn’t count for squat here. I applied for jobs in the public service as well as defence contractors but no one was interested. I looked at doing an apprenticeship as well but you have to have PR status to be able to do that, which don't gain until April 2010, so it was back to the job hunting again but this time targeting more retail business’s (really anyone who wasn't interested in nationality or if I had PR or citizenship. This did mean I had to take a pay cut from my Army pay but at least I would have a job to work in. At last I managed to get 2 job interviews within 24 hours, one working at an auction house, the other being a driver for the local hospital. I managed to secure a job on my first interview and start work on Tuesday after the bank holiday. It is possible to get a job, just you have to look at different avenues available to you, and then later on you could go back to what you know. Hope this helps anyone who is interested.

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