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Multiple entry after meeting requirements


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Just been thinking(Which always leads to forum questions!)...


If I lived in Aus for 2 years on a 175 /176 visa would I then be allowed to roam freely between Aus & UK on dual nationality for the rest of my life or are there restrictions on multiple entry?

I know the UK Immigration allow dual nationality and multiple entry?

Maybe I'd need Aus citizenship or have to meet some other citeria? Or maybe DIAC are more cunning to ensure you can't be a ping pong pom?


That way I could emmigrate for a set period to meet the criteria for staying in Aus, and if I didn't like it come back to UK. Then maybe retire in OZ 10 years later and travel around in a camper or something? (Done this for 3 months and loved every second - perfect retirement plan!).


Just interested to see if anyone knows the answer?

All the best,


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Guest Gollywobbler

Hi Steve


To be honest I haven't a clue about UK Immi law so I don't know whether the UK has anything comparable to the Australian concept known as the Resident Return Visa:


Five Year Resident Return Visa (Subclass 155)


The RRV is the answer to your question, however.


I sort of half understand the logic of the RRV ( I think - but I am not sure.) Brits can bowl out to Oz and after a specified period of residency (4 years) a Brit can apply for Aussie Citizenship. Australia does not have a problem with dual Citizenship and nor does the UK.


Some countries do not permit dual Citizenship. Malaysia, where I was born the year before Independence, does have a problem with it. Mum's GP in Oz is a lovely man - Malaysian Chinese and a really nice guy. Dr Oi has lived in Oz for about 35 or 40 years. If he wanted Aussie Citizenship he would have to renounce his Malaysian Citizenship. This would cause him problems in Malaysia because I think there are certain types of investment there which are restricted to Malaysian Citizens.


Dr Oi still does a lot of travelling between Oz and Malaysia (plus general globetrotting I am told. He is old now and semi retired.) I gather that he and his wife make sure that they spend about 3 years in 5 in Oz because the DIAC computer logs every entry and departure and it can tell you how many nights you have spent in Oz if you are not an Australian Citizen. In other words, Dr Oi makes sure that he will always be able to get his next RRV without hassle because Australian Citizenship would not benefit him.


My sister on the other hand is British by birth and she is also an Australian Citizen by conferral. When she comes to the UK I think she can choose which passport to use but when she re-enters Australia she must, by law, produce her Australian passport.


I think it is to do with the fact that Australian Citizens are not eligible for visas for Oz but everybody else entering Oz must have a visa for Oz.


Best wishes



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It was just a light hearted question really. I understand now that if you get Citizenship(4 Years permenant residence required) you can have dual citizenship and do what you want.

I was just chatting to the other half and said, "if we can stay 4 years and get Citizenship then we're set for life as we can live and travel in either country without recourse... wicked!"

Just gotta get there then...


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