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Am feeling a tad stressed!


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Hi, I guess I just need some words of reassurance!! We have applied for a 176 visa and hope to hear the outcome within the next couple of weeks. At the moment though I'm feeling excited and cant wait to get going and then the next I feel just sheer panic about what we are about to do!! We have close friends out there and will be settling near them so that should help but the massive scale of what needs doing beforehand is a bit overwhelming. Am I the only one that feels this way? The in-laws are making our life as difficult as possible which is getting upsetting and my daughter seems to be going through the terrible three's!!!! I knew that this was going to be hard work and thats not going to end when we move to Australia, but :arghh: !!!!!!!!!!!! I'm going to have some chocolate and attempt to RELAX!

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Hi Sarah, yep we all in the same boat hun. I've aged 20 years since starting this! By the time we get there i'll look like i'll be ready to draw my pension!!! It is a very frustrating time the waiting game & I know what youi mean with in-laws, though it's my mum who id doing her best to put us off going, but she & my aunt are always going on at my son (14) everytime he's out with them! He's getting really cheesed off with them & tells them if we don't get our visa approved, he's going when old enough anyway! Hope you hear soon. X

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It is such a stressful time, the waiting, the not knowing, the packing the moving. It's all worth it though for so many people. We moved away from the UK 7 years ago and have never looked back. I hope it all works out for you.





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