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dogs and the registering of them ..


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just a quickie we brought our dog over , and he has been here two weeks , out of quarantine .. anyway we went to register him today , has to be done within 3 months , just to say we brought our dogs medical history with us from the vets in uk , just a print off,,, anyway on registering with the council we were asked if he was neutered and could we prove it ....... yes i could wipped out the copies and voila .. the point being



$10 for one year (not spayed or neut $ 30)


$18 for 3 years (not spayed or neut $75)


doesn't sound much , but if your saving there you have it somewhere else ! and if your bringing more than 1 dog its a difference :smile:

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It is quite common for council to charge extra if your dog isnt de-sexed, its their way of controlling the amount of unwanted pets i think. It is a good service that they provide, we have had a couple of strays wander in this year that were registered and it is so easy to trace their owners, unfortunately the ones not registered normally end up in the pound.


Cal x

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emma im not sure , but i can check for you , unless someone gets on here with cats first ..


I dont even know if i need to register her? I will just make sure i have all the info from the vets, just in case.


Thanks again,




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just a quickie we brought our dog over , and he has been here two weeks , out of quarantine .. anyway we went to register him today , has to be done within 3 months , just to say we brought our dogs medical history with us from the vets in uk , just a print off,,, anyway on registering with the council we were asked if he was neutered and could we prove it ....... yes i could wipped out the copies and voila .. the point being



$10 for one year (not spayed or neut $ 30)


$18 for 3 years (not spayed or neut $75)


doesn't sound much , but if your saving there you have it somewhere else ! and if your bringing more than 1 dog its a difference :smile:


You can sign a stat dec as well , we had no proof well at 10 he`s past it and i think he`s a bit of a marmite miner



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Registering a dog is like lodging a tax return - you do it once and they expect you to do it ev ery year.


For the fee they charge i wouldnt have a problem paying it every year if i had a dog. I think its good its done anually as the aussies dont seem to think twice about moving rentals every 6/12mth, so by having to renew every year it means your contact details are up to date should your dog get out and the council need to contact you.


I havnt heard of registering cats, but a quick look at your local councils website should tell you.

Cal x

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I know in northern burbs in Perth you get a big fine if your cat is found out at nite , protecting the wildlife , we had a friendly lizard visitor ,daft dog just sat lookin at it. Hav ent seen him for ages ,friggin cat up the street , need an eatern visitor python to eat the frecklin thing

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