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Shared rental


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Hi wondered if anyone can give some advice.


As a family we were hoping to be going out in October but now wondering whether it would be better if hubby went initially to see if he could find a job, we follow out say 3 months later which would also serve to activate visa and if he hadnt found a job in that time we could all return until a later date.


Hubby would be on his own for 3 months and need to find somewhere to live, ideally before he gets off the plane and without paying for really expensive rental just for himself. Does anyone know of any flats that he could rent in Redcliffe/surrounding area and where he could go about finding adverts for these. I've emailed estate agents from realestate.com and no one replied.


Also is he better to buy maps from airport in oz or try to buy before he goes to get an idea of streets etc?


Any help appreciated.





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  • 2 weeks later...

what about homeward bound at Mango Hill (type their name in search bar, i cant remember their contact addy)? i think they are nearest to Redcliffe and have furnished arrival accommodation, personally i would contact them and see if they have anything available.

Good Luck with everything,i can see the reason behind your method and as long as you can bear being apart for a few months it should work out for you doing it that way.

Lots of luck

Cal x

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Hi Cal thanks for that. cant find it though tried alsorts to get comp to search it out. do you have any other info. or know where I can find some more details, ie is there a yellow pages equivalent that it might be in




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Why dont you ask people on here that live in the Redcliffe area if they have a spare room to rent. Its a good extra income and someone may appreciate the company! I would offer a room but unfortunately we are heading home around the the time your hubby will get here.


PS the local paper Northern Times etc will have adverts for shared accom if you look nearer the time. I would think you can get them online.

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Why dont you ask people on here that live in the Redcliffe area if they have a spare room to rent. Its a good extra income and someone may appreciate the company! I would offer a room but unfortunately we are heading home around the the time your hubby will get here.


PS the local paper Northern Times etc will have adverts for shared accom if you look nearer the time. I would think you can get them online.



Will ask if anyone has a room nearer the time as that would be ideal. That is really what I would have wanted but felt cheeky asking but I suppose I can ask for nowt cant I. Have you enjoyed your time there?


Cal thanks for that found it.




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Hi wondered if anyone can give some advice.


As a family we were hoping to be going out in October but now wondering whether it would be better if hubby went initially to see if he could find a job, we follow out say 3 months later which would also serve to activate visa and if he hadnt found a job in that time we could all return until a later date.


Hubby would be on his own for 3 months and need to find somewhere to live, ideally before he gets off the plane and without paying for really expensive rental just for himself. Does anyone know of any flats that he could rent in Redcliffe/surrounding area and where he could go about finding adverts for these. I've emailed estate agents from realestate.com and no one replied.


Also is he better to buy maps from airport in oz or try to buy before he goes to get an idea of streets etc?


Any help appreciated.






hi sam ....noticed you have said that hubby was going to validate and then you could all follow later ....just incase you were not aware but you must all validate by the date given not just hubby .....sorry if you already knew this !!!

mrs keily

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Hi Generalis


Its not really cheecky and i am sure people will only respond if they genuinely want to rent a room to him. If you dont ask you dont get! We used to rent out our granny flat to People coming over from UK and we only charged $150 a week so i am sure there will be something similar when he gets here. Try not to worry too much as i have always said that things do fall into place nearer the time. (I will try and follow my own advice as i have just under 6 months to go before i go back to England and i am stressing!!). In answer to your question i have enjoyed most of my time here but since moving from Melbourne to Brisbane i have not enjoyed it. Thats just me who doesnt like Brisbane but theres plenty that do, its just personal taste.

Good luck

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Hi Mrs Keily yes was aware we all need to have validated by a certain date. Have said hubby will give it 3 months to try to find something and if nothing then we'll go out to validate our part and have a bit of a holiday then all come back to maybe return at a later date.


Must say Georgie am getting worried about stuff on here but I would rather hear the negatives then go blind. I'm very much up and down with my emotions and dont know what to expect in Brisbane. Just wish I could pack my mum up in my suitcase and I'll be fine.

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Guest spadgersdad


Just to say Headstart Homestay will more than welcome your husband,(if they have availability) they are a great family always with a warm welcome, always worth ringing early as they are usually busy, good luck

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Guest The Fletchers

Hi Sam


Know how you feel, we're in the same position - hubby left for Brisbane on 24th March and is currently staying with Sharon (Spagersdad) and we won't be following until the end of July. It's not easy being apart for so long - emotions fluctuate daily, but we hope he will be able to secure employment and a rental property before we arrive. Hope your plans turn out the way you anticipate and best of luck for the future.



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Hay Sam


Dont stress about work. My hubby came here as an unskilled worker after working at Dunlopillo for 17 years! He just went through the Yellow Pages and went to agencies and gave his cv to all the factories. He got a job from going in to give his cv to one of the factories near where we live. If you dont get the job you want then do something else to start off (unless there is a visa stipulation saying you cant). There is work to be had if you really need some. You have to keep trying. My hubby did a stint of casual removals and pool cleaning and that was from ringing through the Yellow Pages.


Look we will be in the same boat as those coming here when we go back to Uk and we will do the same thing over as i always believe there is work if you are not over fussy just do it til the right thing comes along.


It may take a bit longer than 3 months maybe but a job WILL come along.


I wish you all the best and i hope you will enjoy Australia

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