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New member: Police Clearance rules question?


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I'm a newbie to this site, South African born and been living in the UK for the past 9 years...Pomsinoz has some very useful information for potential immigrants and I hoped someone could answer my question.


We're plannning to do our Police Clearances for both the UK & SA in the coming months.


My question is: Can we enter South Africa (on holiday or relocate) after our police clearance (SA) have been issued BUT before our Visa is granted?

What are the OZ immigration rules on this (if any)?


Any info would be greatly appreciated...


Cheers for now, Nicki

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Hello Nicki,

There is no issue with where you go or what you do between getting your police clearance and visa grant - unless of course you went somewhere that you didn't have a police clearance for and your visit took you over the 12 months in the last 10 years !!


I'm sure you are aware that the police clearance will only be valid for one year from issue so you need to get your timing right!

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Hi Stephen,


Thanks for the info - I can relax now and plan my holiday. I am aware of the 12 month validity so we're planning to get them in May, which would be 6 months after we lodged our application online. Hoping (like everyone else) we get a CO sometime soon...


Cheers, Nicki

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Hi Tania,


Congratulations on being grated your visa!! Can't wait to be in your shoes, this 'waiting game' is something else. If only DIAC could give us more info on 'real timelines'...


Cheers, Nicki

I know it is a waiting game, but you will get there, best of luck

Tania x:wubclub:

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