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IELTS Test honest answers

Guest claire9592

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Guest claire9592

As they have now taken bricklayers off the victoria wanted list my other half now has to do the IELTS test to get the extra points we need.


To all you tradesmen that have done this can you give me your honest optinons for those who have passed and those who have failed.



Claire, Marc and little Ella

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Hi Claire

Undoubtedly it is going to be a bit trickier for people who are less 'academic' than others in their jobs. But that doesn't mean it's impossible.

My OH hates writing does as little as possible and fixes ATMs for his job. But I made him do a little bit of practice before the test, because honestly that's the way to pass it.

If your OH is a bit unsure about doing it, book the test well in advance and encourage him to do the practice. Get books from the library, some have CDs with the listening practice tests on, and there is on-line help too.

The problem is you need a mark of 7 in each area and if you get 6.5 you need to re-take it - and pay for it again.

It's not an intelligence test, it's a use of English test!! So don't think that because he's a tradesman he'll automatically fail.


Lots of luck

Sue x

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Hi Claire,


I am expecting the results of my IELTS anyday now and whilst I cant give you any info on how to pass (couldnt possibly do that until I see my results!), I would say that knowing the format of the exam is a major benefit.


Time is not a major pressure if you know what they are looking for but I would imagine that someone could easily get undone if they were spending lots of time reading and re-reading the instructions. Likewise exam technique is important, like knowing that each question is say 1 mark, there is no point spending lots of time on one for 1 mark and missing 4 others as you're out of time... all the best



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Guest vixpinkbabe



I'd definitely try the library and get some practice papers, CD's etc :) DONT download any programmes or papers you find online, I got a virus when I did this! :(


I agree with Karl - knowing the format of the exam helps :) Also, practice the "true, false, not given" questions, I found them REALLY hard, even in English! :( xxxxxx


Best of luck, no need to stress about it, it's very straight forward, just costs alot and is a whole day out! xxxxxxx

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