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One thing only I hate here!


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People in Queensland are obsessed with cutting grass. Maybe it is because where I live there are a lot of units that have a body corporate who lets the grass cutting to contractors. One minute you will get our nature strip cut, they blow all the grass onto the next doors strip. Later next door gets their strip cut, and yes the grass is blown back. It,s not the mowers so much as those blowers that are used by men who think they have a toy under their arm! They should be banned! Why can,t councils organise all these contractors to have a certain area each day, we would only then get it once a week instead of every day.

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Your lucky you have someone to cut it for you! lol, we are currently 'training' Zak so he can do ours,lol, i have 3 acres to look after with mine and the rental house!! lol

If the contractors are making a mess, contact the council , they are normaly pretty helpful.

Cal x

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Guest spottymercedes

All of our neighbours have an obsession with cutting the grass. I think its because they are retired and are home all day and have nothing better to do!! I understand they want their houses to look neat and tidy but twice a week surely is too much.

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I think its called suburbia! Here in Perth our street is all very prim and propper. I could only imagine the consequences if your lawn grew more than the standard height! There would be an uproar! Its not that bad but as you say keeping the lawn in good shape is an AUstralian obssesion



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Guest James.S

I thought people cut the grass all the time to prevent snakes as they don't like short grass as they can't hide in it..!



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I think its called suburbia! Here in Perth our street is all very prim and propper. I could only imagine the consequences if your lawn grew more than the standard height! There would be an uproar! Its not that bad but as you say keeping the lawn in good shape is an AUstralian obssesion



I know but never had it in Victoria like this, BTW I thought that over in Perth grass was not so green this time of year.

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I know but never had it in Victoria like this, BTW I thought that over in Perth grass was not so green this time of year.


Reticulation and bore pumps keeps it green!



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Guest 0405delboy

I agree it does seem like people enjoy cutting the grass. I used to live in an upstairs flat and I worked nights. Every single day, if someone wasnt mowing then they were drilling, sawing, grinding and scraping (always at the crack of dawn). :daydreaming::arghh:0405delboy

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Guest snow white

i must admit theirs always someoen cutting the lawns round here, there here every fortnight, i very rarely seeing anyones lawn overgrown remember we had rain every day for a week last year when we were in our rental and we got a notice from the rental agents warning us to get the grass cut as it looked untidy, tried explaining the gardener hadnt been able to do it becasue o fthe terrible weather we had been having but they werent interested ! went as a bad mark on our rental record becasue they gave us a warning

lesley x

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Guest HappyBunny
All of our neighbours have an obsession with cutting the grass. I think its because they are retired and are home all day and have nothing better to do!! I understand they want their houses to look neat and tidy but twice a week surely is too much.


Whilst we only cut the lawn once a week in the winter we have to cut it twice a week in the summer because it grows so much and if you try and only do it once a week it keeps clogging the lawnmower up! Would much rather not have to cut it as there are plenty of other things I would rather do!! x

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I try not to say cutting the grass, as in aussie terms this means getting your leg over. Its a Data/Darta , Maroon/Marone argument.

You cut the grass on a saturday night and Mow the lawn on a sunday morning, or if its your birthday you may get to cut the grass in the morning as well.


I find the guys who mow dirt quite funny if you can see them through a cloud of dust.

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Guest Angelcake

Ah I like it that everyone wants to keep their houses looking nice. Our neighbours know that we don't have a lawn mower yet and so everytime they mow their front lawns they do ours for us too!

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My oh reckons they get the ruler out in the estate where my friend lives in

Brisbane as all of the lawns are near and exactly the same height.


Are they living in the Truman show?:biggrin:



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Guest paradisi

got rid of the lawn within weeks of moving in


no lawn means less water, a productive yard, chooks, ducks, fruit trees, vegies


if the dogs want to run on grass I take them to the parks or the beaches

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