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Do kids need medicals??


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Hi, were going to Oz on a permanant visa and I wondered if kids needed medicals?


My son of 22months has just been diagnosed with a condition which causes epileptic fits and needs long term medication & regular checks. I just wonder if this will affect our application in any way??:err:

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Unfotunately yes it might affect your application - you would best be talking to an agent who knows about medical conditions and their implications. George Lombard is often recommended in cases like these. Immigration will be concerned about the potential long term cost to the country unfortunately and if the condition is one which has other implications which might require special education provisions and longer term support then it is going to be more difficult to get in. If it is just epilepsy which can be controlled with medication and no other issues then you are probably less likely to have a problem.


Definitely get good advice on this one.

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Yes, everyone on your visa application has to have a medical.


Both our children have had 'interesting' medical histories. (18 mts and 6 yrs)


We had to get statements from their consultants outlining their histories, etc. before all our medical info could be sent off.


This was the longest delay in our visa application, as it was only about a month after all the info had gone, that our visa was granted.


We did not use an agent in any part of our application (on-line), and just followed the information provided by the Aus Government websites and the consultant completing the medicals.


I think you just have to be honest and up-front and follow the advice of the consultant completing the medicals.


You might want to contact them in advance to get some of the info they need, before you go.

There is a list of authorised medical centres that you have to use on the Aus Gov website (somewhere). I have downloaded it, so if you are desprate, I can post a link.

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