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coping without family at christmas


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hello everyone, i do apologise if this is a slightly sad thread but hey thats what the forums for right? i just wondered how everyone found their first christmas without loved ones, either because your in oz, their in oz or their no longer here? its our first christmas without my father in law, were going to light a candle at a tree celebration with marie curie tomorrow night and although my hubbys been fairly brave i think hes finding it very hard because i know i certainly am, i dont know if its because its an emotional time but it isnt half making me think how ill cope when we eventually go x

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Guest juliemtaylor

My first Christmas without mum was very strange. Mum died at Christmas, meaning the last time I saw her alive was Christmas Day, and I was pregnant with my son who she never saw. But, because she always had traditions and a good family Christmas we decided to keep this going even though it is sad as she is not there. So it will be ok and you will find new ways to remeber happy memories with the exciting new ones you will make. We all love Christmas here, and will do when we get to Oz one day.


Julie x

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I'm not so sure that how ever many christmasses you have in oz it would ever get any eaiser (im sure some of the long term residents of oz will reply to this)

I love christmas & always have done,this will be my 3rd christmas in oz, but its a time of year now when i get very sentimental & behind my christmas smile feel very sad (luckily i have no one that has been very very close to me die) but i have 2 daughters in the uk who i miss very much all the time & just find this harder at christmas time.

I do have one daughter with me here in oz & for that i thank my lucky stars

Try & keep smiling & enjoy the festive time of year

stuju :-)

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