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anyone flown with a baby? need advice please.

Guest leeob77

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Guest leeob77

trying to find out what you are allowed to take on plane with you when flying with a little one. we are flying to perth via dubai with emirates at christmas and would appreciate any advice.

do you get a bit more carry on allowance for all baby's milk / food / nappies etc? are there any restrictions on things we might not think about? can we take the water ready made in the bottles?

any other advice would be great too!


thanks in advance.



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I don't know if I'll be much help. Our daughter was 10 months when we flew to South Africa back in 2003. We took bottles with water in them and put the formula powder in a container. Nappy bag can go on as hand luggage. She had to sit on our laps the whole journey (10/11 hours). Luckily our baby will be a little bit older when we finally manage the big trip!


Don't know if anythings changed since then.

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You can take sterilised water for bottles, but they make you taste it. I think they still have the liquid restriction of 100ml, so they may make you test any creams as well. Emirates were great with my daughter when we flew, the staff love kids so I`m sure they`ll be a helpful as pos. You`ll get boarded first too .

How old is your baby?

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hi there you can buy the pre made milk air side once you have passed through customs, when on the plane they will provide you with boiling water, we made up a few bottles once in the air to keep us going.


You do get a baggage allowance for them about an extra 9 kilos we also took a changing bag with us, they tend to be very understanding when you have a baby, have flown out there twice now once with my son when he was age 2 1/2 he had his own seat and again last year with with a 9 month old.


If you do take milk in bottles you will be asked to taste it then same with baby jar food, so make sure its something you like if you intend to take some.

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We flew with Singapore and I just asked them to fill up the bottles to the 'oz' I needed then pushed it under my seat until cool then mixed it with the powder. How old is your baby? Do you have a stop over? We only transited but had to go through security again so bare this in mind if you are taking pre prepared cartons. You may have to open them all or bin them. I just took a tin of baby milk powder and not once did I have to taste it.


We were given a bag with a couple of nappies and a bib in when we boarded.


A little tip, take a small bottle of washing up liquid and a sponge/ cloth so that you can give the bottles a good rinse. If your baby is over 6months I'd say you can get away without sterilising bottles for a day, if your not happy with that if they are cleaned out well, you could ask them to fill with boiling water cool it then throw it out but if you thing of all the manky old toys etc that babies put in their mouth you should be fine. Yes I know that some 'health care professional' will disagree!


Some people suggest things like phenergan but I'm not so sure. We had a baby on our flight who cried non stop (no really!) from Singapore to LHR and not one person minded. I was in the row behind and he didn't disturb me.


My best advice, don't worry, go prepared, calpol sachets etc just incase oh and NO MUSICAL TOYS.


best of luck



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Yes definately no phenergan - made my two into a couple of kicking, screaming nutters!!

Calpol should be enough to calm baby down. If they`re older Boots do travel sickness tabs that also work as a MILD sedative, it was much better and just took the edge off the hyper-activity!! You can break them into quarters.

Good luck.

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Hi, we flew to Sydney with a 6 month old back in September. Although I was breastfeeding at the time, we did take pots and pouches of baby puree for her because she was just about weaning. We took a couple extra than we needed so that if we had to taste one at either Heathrow or Singapore we could. When our eldest was younger, we flew with her, although only a short-haul, but she was on formula. We took bottles that we had sterilised and then sealed up, plus ready-made cartons of milk, again taking a couple extra in case we had to taste them. I know that with Qantas and with Singapore air you can take baby food and formula extra to hand luggage (and nappies etc I think). Remember that even things like bum cream and calpol will need to be in the little clear plastic bag for the security checks.


We had a little fold-out changing mat with pockets for nappies/wipes etc. This was a godsend in the tiny plane loo where there really isn't enough room for a change bag. I kept it stocked up under the seat so that I could easily reach it if I needed to. I took her grobag so that I could put her in it at sleep time so that she had something familiar from home.


Remember that a plane is really quite noisy and so even if your baby cries, it won't really be heard above the noise of the engines. If I can remember anything else, I'll post it.:biggrinxmas:

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Guest Ali1963

I flew Emirates with a 3 week old baby, it was not fun, I was still very unwell and baby became quite dehydrated. Try to reserve a bassinet or book in early if you cannot reserve one, if all else fails just beg bulkhead passengers to swap.


We went business class and it was so nice to have a quiet lounge to use between planes.


When we came back, baby was 6 weeks old and just much more robust and it was a piece of cake!

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Hi Sandra

yeah I`ve got one of those too!!

If they`ve got screens with films and games on the back of the seats you won`t hear a peep out of him! Plus do try the travel sickness tabs from Boots, they take 20 mins to work and take the edge off. My boy has to run round in circles every so often and uses our living room like a giant soft-play area! But he sat still the whole flight!


But darling you`ve got 5!!!

It`s drugs for you I`d be looking into!!!!!!

Just wake up the other end and say `Was the flight ok everyone?`

Good luck

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Great thread! We're flying with Singapore in 2 weeks and I hadn't even thought of most of these things!! We have booked a basinet but I'm noting others things in My Book!


To be honest, I'm much more concerned about my 6 year old who is a nutter.





My top tip, blow up beach ball. You play with it in departures, you can't hit it to far or hard and if it does hit anyone it won't hurt. Then, deflate pop into you bag and hey presto job done. That and never board first. Get yourself really really organised with everything you need for everyone for take off and put it into one bag in departures. That way get on as one of the last and bung all other bags in the overhead, clunk click ready to go. This could mean upto about 45 minutes you are not trying to get your little ones to sit still before the plane has even taken off. Works for us everytime.


best of luck


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Guest leeob77

thanks to everyone for the help and advice.

our little girl is 9 months old and we fly on the 27th of december.

we were just a bit confused as to what we would be allowed to take. she has to have a special milk (nutramigen) due to being lactose intollerant so we cant buy cartons etc. plus we will have to take 2 weeks worth of tins to keep her going while we are away!

dont suppose anyone knows if you can get nutramigen in oz?


thanks to all.



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Hi Lee


We also had to take Nutramigen for our little boy. I couldn't find it at all in Oz and ended up taking 9 tins of the bloomin stuff. I contacted Singapore airlines and whilst very helpful we had to include it into our luggage allowance. Fortunately we had booked a seat for him so he had his own luggage allowance.


I just took empty bottles and got the airline to fill them with boiling water and put them under my seat to cool, you just need to be a bit organised and think ahead so you have enough time to let it cool down. I took a full unopened tin onto the flights with us and I don't remember ever being asked to taste it.


Don't forget to take a bit of washing up liquid to be able to clean bottles out but as for sterilising at that age I shouldn't worry too much, I am sure you baby puts all manner of manky stuff in her mouth.


best of luck



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Guest ltjchicklet

I flew from the US to Brazil with a 9 month old.... he was allowed a diaper bag and I put even more stuff for him into my carry on. They let me bring everything... my bags had to be additionally checked once because of a toy that vibrated. You should just think about not bringing water because that'll be less of a hassle for you... you can just ask the stewardesses to fill it up for you they do have warm water on board. And they don't mind it. Just make sure you don't bring toys that make noise and hide some of those toys 2 weeks before you guys go. Reintroduce them on the plane they'll be all over it. Overall though, your baby will probably sleep most of the time on the plane. My baby was only cranky when transferring in airports. As soon as we were on the plane it was eat and sleep time. Good luck...

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Another tip with small babies is to take their favourite toy/banket unwashed, that way it smells familiar and may help to settle them. Disgusting I know but thats how they like em!



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