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Reccie this weekend, a few questions for you...


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We leave for Brisbane on Sunday and I just wondered for those that have been what things in your opinion are a must to do/visit. We are there for 3 weeks and we are staying in Noosa for a few days too.


I have my own list (you know how we ladies love a list!) but I don't want to miss anything. Also regarding phoning home, did you take a mobile?. I'm not very technologically minded and wondered if it was cheaper to buy a phonecard out there or take my mobile with me - I hear this can be quite expensive?


We hope to move out there in Jan 2010 so it's very exciting but terribly nerve racking. If any of you are going out there this weekend perhaps we could meet up or something? We are flying with Cathay Pacific from Heathrow, anyone else going?


Finally thanks for your time and look forward to your replies:smile:




P.s My signature info is outdated, we have passed the practical assessment but I don't know how to update my signature- it won't allow me to.

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We did a reccie last summer - only had 2 weeks but tried to fit as much as poss in. For once in my life I got organised - we pre planned most days and had a good idea of where we wanted to look at. We also looked round banks, estate agents, new developments and I spent a morning in a school (I'm a teacher). The most valuable thing I felt we did was visit families who had made the move. They were people on here including the famous Cal (cheers chick!) I just messaged people and asked who would like to meet up. It was a great and valuable insight to the big move and everyone was really honest with us...the good and the bad!


I got a mobile in oz (thanks again Cal!) to use whilst over there - just a pay as you go one. We also used a few pay phones which didn't seem too expensive although we tended to use these after we'd had a few vinos so who knows!?!


When you're staying in Noosa make sure you go to a bottle shop and buy a bottle of sparkly - take it down to the beach and watch the sunset - absolutely beautiful! This was recommended to us when we checked in at our hotel.

Also if you feel like treating yourself to a delicious meal go to Ricky's River bar and Restaurant - very very nice!


Keep us posted on how you get on!


Jo x

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Hi there!


When I was in Brisbane this year, I used phonecards to call home as they're often very good value for money! Only problem is that some can take ages to get working, if you get them working at all...!


If you want to call home a lot, I'd suggest buying a decent phonecard i.e. telstra and asking for an explanation from the person selling it or something...


or just bring a mobile phone if you don't want to call much... but be warned that can be quite expensive still!


Have a fantastic reccie!!!


Hope that helps...!


Dan xx

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Brilliant Jo, thanks very much. I have written that down and I will buy that wine and enjoy that view. Also a good idea regarding contacting others on here, I'll do that.


Keep the suggestions coming everyone, it's great to read what you have done.


Thanks, Nora

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