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who to fly with?


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:huh: ok were flying in march 09, we have a 2 and a half year old, so here is our dillema... do we fly from the airport on our doorstep , nearer , dearer and straight through to perth, or do we head to the london airports and which airlines are reccomended ?, any thoughts on toddlers straight there , or wiser to stop over and break the journey?? any thoughts welcome, were so undecided..:unsure:

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Guest guest17301

Sharon, for us flying from Manchester to Perth with Singapore Air was the cheapest by far. Singapore seem to have a good rep too although I have no personal experience of them.

I am hoping a 12 hour stop will break up the flights and my 2 yr old will hopefully sleep in the transit hotel we have booked keeping (sort of) to his usual routine

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Guest julie2g1b

hi there


we fly with singapore on sat for 2weeks the flight is 21hrs only having a 55min change over as wanted to get straight there, flying from healthrow as cheaper catching the national express down.................


julie :wubclub:

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Guest sean,marie & gang

Hi Sharon, When we did our Sydney flight we flew from Heathrow with a 11month 3 and a half 8 and 10 yrs. The flight was fine we didnt have a stopover, one hour in singapore and thats what Im planning again this time..............No stopover. I prefer straight through and then sort myself and the kids out the other end(so to speak!!!!) There is a flight that flies from Birimingham with Emirates but I think for this flight it would be better if you phoned them instead of tin..ter..net, as you get best deals over the phone and will be able to ask for luggage allowance. We flew from Heathrow and I think this was the worst bit of the Journey. We also flew at night and fount this alot better, as soon as we got on the plane the kids wanted to sleep. Again this time Im planning on flying at around 10pm so soon as kids hit the plane they are shattered!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good luck, Hope this helps,

Marie xxxxxxxx

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Hi Sharon,


I flew to Singapore at the end of June this year and the flight was nearly 13 hours in total between London Heathrow and Singapore. The flight seems long but I didn't find it anywhere near as bad as I thought I would, but then I didn't have a two and a half year old with me...!!!


I would recommend though, providing you're ok with sleeping on planes to get a late evening flight out of the U.K. so that you will (hopefully) go to sleep fairly easily - my flight left Heathrow at midday U.K. time and so it was really hard to force myself to sleep as I was not long up!


Hope that helps!!! By the way, I've been lucky enough to fly with many airlines and Singapore airlines are fantastic!!! They treat you so well (the did for me anyway!)!!!


Good Luck!


Dan xx

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Hi Sharon, When we did our Sydney flight we flew from Heathrow with a 11month 3 and a half 8 and 10 yrs. The flight was fine we didnt have a stopover, one hour in singapore and thats what Im planning again this time..............No stopover. I prefer straight through and then sort myself and the kids out the other end(so to speak!!!!) There is a flight that flies from Birimingham with Emirates but I think for this flight it would be better if you phoned them instead of tin..ter..net, as you get best deals over the phone and will be able to ask for luggage allowance. We flew from Heathrow and I think this was the worst bit of the Journey. We also flew at night and fount this alot better, as soon as we got on the plane the kids wanted to sleep. Again this time Im planning on flying at around 10pm so soon as kids hit the plane they are shattered!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good luck, Hope this helps,

Marie xxxxxxxx



Thanks for confirming my thoughts about late night flights Marie!


Dan xx

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Hi we are flying to Perth in 10 days for reccie.........Stopping in Singapore for only 3 hours. Leave Heathrow at 9pm ish. Plan to travell from home early and stop at a kids play area on the way, found a useful site: Soft Play Areas UK that lists play centres regionally. We plan to stop at one on the way to Heathrow, let the kids have a good run around, wear themselves out and eat there. Later go to airport, and fingers crossed, they will be ready to sleep when we are in the air......(that's the plan anyway) Were really torn about stopping over, at the time of booking flights, we thought, let's just get it over and done with......kind of wish now we had booked into the transit hotel for a few hours. At least that way you can shut the door to your room and let the kids move around freely, maybe even get a bit of sleep.

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Guest guest17301


At Singapore airport there is a hotel in the building. (Like a travelodge type thingy I think) You don't have to collect luggage or clear customs, just go straight to your room, simple!

Google singapore transit hotel and have a look.

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Guest The Hoys hoping.........
Hi we are flying to Perth in 10 days for reccie.........Stopping in Singapore for only 3 hours. Leave Heathrow at 9pm ish. Plan to travell from home early and stop at a kids play area on the way, found a useful site: Soft Play Areas UK that lists play centres regionally. We plan to stop at one on the way to Heathrow, let the kids have a good run around, wear themselves out and eat there. Later go to airport, and fingers crossed, they will be ready to sleep when we are in the air......(that's the plan anyway) Were really torn about stopping over, at the time of booking flights, we thought, let's just get it over and done with......kind of wish now we had booked into the transit hotel for a few hours. At least that way you can shut the door to your room and let the kids move around freely, maybe even get a bit of sleep.



Thank you for that information, that's really useful.


Please let us know how you get on, both flight wise and your thoughts on Perth.


Have a fab reccie..........bet you can't wait!


Safe journey :-)

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I love Emirates, flown Manchester - Melbourne more times than I can remember and find Emirates the easiest.


Man - Dubai 7hrs

Dubai - Singapore 7hrs

Singapore - Melbourne 7hrs


Each 7hr stint goes quite quick for me & the children. I guess they do the same but will go Singapore - Perth.


Always found Emirates that little bit cheaper too.


Also flown Qantas/BA & Singapore. They are lovely too, just my personal choice of the break in 3 'short' 7hr flights instead of a 14/15hr flight from UK - Singapore.

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After reading some of the posts of here im not really sure whether to go for an evening or morning flight from Heathrow with oh and 4 kids, 15, 9, 6 & 20 months. My initial idea was to go for a 10am-ish flight, getting them up relatively early to get to Heathrow, the exitement of it all keeping them amused for a good few hours, napping for an hour or so, and then when we arrive in Singapore and walking round the airport for the couple of hours they will be shattered enough (and their body clocks telling them that its bedtime) that they will sleep the majority of the second haul. Also the fact that we will arrive in the late evening at Brisbane will mean the broken sleep they probably will have had will ensure that by the time we do eventually get to bed they will be shattered enough to sleep at least a good part of the local time night.


I have noticed the vast majority of posts are saying go for the evening flight. Im just struggling with the boredom factor for the kids, I was assuming that the second haul would be an absolute nitemare if we go for an evening flight - a case of "O No - Not another XX hours sitting on another plane with a numb bum!!" lol.


Am I completely barmy in my thoughts - I also hate the thought of trying to keep the little one awake throughout the day (if we arrive in the morning local time) to try and adjust with jet lag - surely it would be beneficial to go straight to bed and try and sleep when the locals are???


Am I totally disillusioned???

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Guest hannahf

Hi, We are flying three weeks tomorrow out of Heathrow at 10.30 at night with Singapore Airlines. I hate flying and we have a 17 month old so it should be interesting! Again I went for the night flight in the hope our daughter will sleep most of the way, we are going to get to Heathrow with plenty of time to spare so she can have a good run around as she will prob sleep most of the way down from the Midlands so we will need to tire her out.


We have also booked the transit hotel - we have gone for a five hour gap which won't give us enough time to sleep but will let us chill a bit, have a shower and something to eat. More importantly it will allow us to try and tire our daughter out again!


To say I am dreading it would be a gross understatement and at the moment I can't get excited about the move as I can't stop thinking about the flight!

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After reading some of the posts of here im not really sure whether to go for an evening or morning flight from Heathrow with oh and 4 kids, 15, 9, 6 & 20 months. My initial idea was to go for a 10am-ish flight, getting them up relatively early to get to Heathrow, the exitement of it all keeping them amused for a good few hours, napping for an hour or so, and then when we arrive in Singapore and walking round the airport for the couple of hours they will be shattered enough (and their body clocks telling them that its bedtime) that they will sleep the majority of the second haul. Also the fact that we will arrive in the late evening at Brisbane will mean the broken sleep they probably will have had will ensure that by the time we do eventually get to bed they will be shattered enough to sleep at least a good part of the local time night.


I have noticed the vast majority of posts are saying go for the evening flight. Im just struggling with the boredom factor for the kids, I was assuming that the second haul would be an absolute nitemare if we go for an evening flight - a case of "O No - Not another XX hours sitting on another plane with a numb bum!!" lol.


Am I completely barmy in my thoughts - I also hate the thought of trying to keep the little one awake throughout the day (if we arrive in the morning local time) to try and adjust with jet lag - surely it would be beneficial to go straight to bed and try and sleep when the locals are???


Am I totally disillusioned???

hi tinks we have this dillema too!! your not barmy, i was on the same wave lenth , my daughter never sleeps in the day, so was thinking night flight for the second part, or the transit hotel as fiona suggested , but thats two flights wide awake , and im not sure if she will sleep strange room arrrggghhh ....:wacko:

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hi tinks we have this dillema too!! your not barmy, i was on the same wave lenth , my daughter never sleeps in the day, so was thinking night flight for the second part, or the transit hotel as fiona suggested , but thats two flights wide awake , and im not sure if she will sleep strange room arrrggghhh ....:wacko:


Sharon, perhaps we're both barmy!!! lol We thought about the hotel but decided against it - id rather the little one sleep on the plane rather than prolong the agony and get us there as soon as practically possible. Im with you with the arrrggghhhh.!!!:wacko:


Truth me told, our little ones will probably be angels and we'll wonder why we worried so much in the first place (oooh was I day dreaming again?)

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Hi, we flew with Emirates with 4 children, the youngest being 2 and a half. We caught the train from York to Manchester, flew to Dubai with an intention of a 2 hour gap before flying to Perth. When our plane landed at Dubai, we were an hour later than planned. It was a case of running from one end of the airport to the other, having just a few mins to sit down before catching the plane for the next flight. One flight was 11 hours, the other was 7 hours.


All the kids did very well, little one was hyper on the first flight, but slept almost all of the second flight. He loved watching the disney films and had a go at playing the games on the screens. We took a bag of toys for him and he was absolutely fine. Excited, but well behaved.


We flew from Manchester at 1.15 pm (UK) and arrived in Perth the following day at 6.30 pm (AU)


We chose not to have a long stop-over, so we could just get on with it and get there!!



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Guest zigzagau


I have done the trip to Australia three times now. The last time with Korea Air, just because this happened to be the cheapest. The disadvantage seemed that we had to wait in Seoul for nine hours, but at the end this wasn't a disadvantage at all. On the airport we booked a hotel for 6 or 7 hours, which actually wasn't even expensive. We slept in a decent bed for a few hours, and I have never felt so good after arriving in Sydney after 20 something hours flying.



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