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MODL Lists Update


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Does anyone know when the MODL will be updated?

Same question for State SOL's?


If you have applied for say a 176 visa as a plasterer and the SOL or MODL list changed to say they no longer required plasterers could you in affect be dropped and have to start again?


With talk of limiting the migrant intake I think this requires a little discussion?

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Hi Steve


I am led to believe that once you have applied to a particular state for sponsorship if your job is then removed from their SOL list, then your application still stands.


A friend of mine is in this situation with her hubbys job been taken off the SA list, but their application is still going ahead.


Good luck.





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AFAIK thats true debbie. the date is the important thing. as long as it is on the list when you apply, its a case of "your name WAS down, you ARE coming in "

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Guest Gollywobbler

Hi pommysteve


Welcome to Poms in Oz.


The current MODL was published on 17th May 2008, a bit later than usual I think but if so that will have been down to the change of Government in late November 2007 I expect. I think they "usually" examine the MODL about every six months but they do not necessarily change it every six months.


I'm not a migration agent but I don't think there is any set pattern about when the individual States re-examine their own lists. South Australia suddenly changed its list for the SRS 475 visa on 23rd September 2008, knocking off quite a few occupations that people had been planning on using. However a week or two later the ACT changed its own list for the subclass 176 visa. Some of the stuff which had been knocked off SA's list for the provisional visa suddenly appeared on the ACT's list for the immediately permanent 176 visa instead, though understanding the ACT's own rules is a different matter and is best left to an experienced agent with local knowledge, in my opinion.


Just because something is on ACT's list does not mean that Bloggs will automatically succeed if he applies to the ACT so ACT applications are quite fiddly, I think, especially since they charge $275 for the application but they are the only people who charge. George Lombard is a very experienced and long-serving RMA who was born & brought up in Canberra but now lives and works in Sydney. He has been warning that the ACT is a small place, so that when ACT say "Teacher" they might only take one teacher of Latin, one French teacher and so on.


I'm not at all persuaded by the sudden panic over calls by the Opposition to cut the Migration Program. It is their job to try to de-rail the Government in every way they can think of. One or two Agents are simply scaremongering in my view. They must be clueless if they can't work out that the sitting Government is never going to say, "You win. We have mismanaged the economy, mismanaged the Migration Program and the budget for it, and so now - six months after we published the 2008/9 planning level and the Budget to pay for it - we're going to perform a complete volte face and obey the Opposition. We will concede that they were right in the first place - by slashing this year's migrant intake by 50,000 new souls. We are not competent to run this country. We realise that now." They simply WON'T do that.


They might reduce the Program intake come next July but they increased it by nearly 20% for 2008/9. Cutting 20% or 25% from it really wouldn't make any major difference to would be migrants because if the Australian economy slides into recession, who in their right mind is going to want to spend a massive amount of their own money in order to go and join the Aussies in an economic quagmire? The Agents might suffer if potential migrants decide to hold back on migrating to Oz but that is a business risk that they chose to accept when they became agents in the first place.


Therefore either the Agents who are peddling this rubbish really are hopeless or they are trying to bounce people into trying to panic-buy Australian visas, it seems to me. Are the agents' Christmas party funds a bit low at the moment considering that the food will cost quite a bit more than last year?


Best wishes



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