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Alternative medicine in Brisbane and Medicare??


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We are having long conversations with elderly mother in law about the possibility of her and FIL moving over to Oz with us.


I don't want to appear negative :unsure: but she is a bit bonkers :arghh:


Anyway, surprisingly, one of the MAJOR factors in her decision is "will I be able to get my homeopathic treatments over there, and will it be covered by Medicare?" (where are the rolls eyes emoticons when you need them?)


So...does anyone have any idea? She will NOT go to the doctor (except for essential checks but even then won't take their advice or medication). But has absolute trust in her current therapists.


At present she has private medical cover which pays 50% of her annual £1,000 bill. (There, I need that emoticon again!)

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Um yes and no.


If she can find a homeopath who is also a medical practitioner then visits to the doctor will be covered by medicare, if s/he is not a medical practitioner then I think that private health insurance may cover some of the cost of the consultation. I doubt either is going to cover the cost of the prescriptions though. There are doctors who are also homeopaths or naturopaths but you wont find them everywhere. As you say - where is the eye rolling emoticon when you need him??? Good luck!

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