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What are you doing???


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I know a lot of us are desperately trying to sell our houses to move to oz. But what are people doing if their house haven't sold? :arghh:


Are you renting your house out?


Are you going to validate your visa then return until your house is sold?


We're really unsure what to do - so wondered what others are doing


Jo x x x

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Guest Sam&Si

Hi Jo,


We're renting ours out and leaving it in the hands of the Agent. Not ideal but we don't have any other way of doing it. We'll be keeping an eye on the UK market when we're Oz and when the time is right we'll put it back on the market for sale again. We've specifically gone with an Agent who has a good rep and figures to back it up for both sales and lettings, that way it can all be kept with one Agent so makes it less hassle with keys, communication etc. The whole thing is a nightmare to be honest, we still can't believe that we're going to be tied to the UK, but we're hoping that once we get out there we'll get a sense of perspective and hopefully find somewhere half-decent to rent.



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I havent got my visa yet but hope to be in oz around christmas case officer allowing was hoping for september but missed that lol

as with the house would love to sell it but dont even think its worth putting up for sale so going to rent

don't want to be stuck here with a visa unil the house sells plus i think when everything settles down the prices will rise going to try and manage over in oz and just get on with it if we manage ok my even keep the house as a retirement investment

in an ideal world

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Guest The Thomsons

We always said that we wouldn't rent ours, but then when it came to the crunch and it was a choice of rent out or stay in the UK, we decided we would have to do it. It has been disappointing but we have come round to the idea now, and at least we can plan again. We should be in Oz by October, which we would never have achieved without going for the rental option.

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Guest Sam&Si

It's so gutting isn't it, we've accepted it now but am still disappointed that we can't buy when we get over there, the thing I miss the most is looking at all the lovely houses on realestate.com I haven't looked at houses to buy since April, is just too depressing. It wouldn't be so bad if the exchange rate hadn't gone in the pooper as well!!

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Guest vickilb77

Hi Jo


Our house has only been on market for 4 weeks but if we dont sell we will just have to validate visa and wait, try to stay positive and hope that good things come to those who wait!!!!!!

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Guest Karen K

I know a lot of us are desperately trying to sell our houses to move to oz. But what are people doing if their house haven't sold? :arghh:


Are you renting your house out?


Are you going to validate your visa then return until your house is sold?


We're really unsure what to do - so wondered what others are doing


Jo x x x

Its just MADNESS out there. We are trying to give our house away by droping 50K. If not then renting the next option, but really not keen. I just want to move on with my life.................my second glass of wine tonight is helping me stay calm, too stressed lately. Good luck to you what ever you deciced to do XX

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Hi Jo


Where abouts in Oldham are you from? I'm from Grains Bar just before Denshaw. I now live in The Basin, Melbourne. We are renting our house out and have done for the past two years. Our first tennant was a bad one but now we have a lovely middle aged couple in there. My own advice would be choose your letting agent carefully. We went with Key Moves who are no longer trading and the were crap since day one.


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Hi Jo


Where abouts in Oldham are you from? I'm from Grains Bar just before Denshaw. I now live in The Basin, Melbourne. We are renting our house out and have done for the past two years. Our first tennant was a bad one but now we have a lovely middle aged couple in there. My own advice would be choose your letting agent carefully. We went with Key Moves who are no longer trading and the were crap since day one.




It's certainly a pain at the mo! We're hoping to be over there by Feb next year at the latest (although originally I thought we'd be there now!) - fingers crossed we'll have visa by then. Like most have said if we've not sold we might have to rent it out although we really don't want to.


:cute:Sara we live in woodhouses failsworth. Grains Bar is lovely! I have some friends who live saddleworth way. Although Denshaw reminds me of the poor sheep I accidently ran over when a farmer chased them out of his field!!! Feel free to PM me about your life in oz!

x x x

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We will be renting our UK house out too - with the housing market the way things are we do not want to have to delay our plans, so we are hoping the rental market will smile down on us!

Obviously this means our budget will be a great deal smaller then we may have hoped, but we will rent over in Oz and then hopefully look to buy in a year or so.

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Guest Lui A xxx

oh guys.......we only sold recently......and to be honest......it was for a seriously low offer.......this is why we have had to buy another property.......i will try to explain......


we went on the market june 2007......for £350k.......dropped and dropped.....just accepted off for £285k......!!!!........so thankfully.....with our equity...........we have bought a small house........require no mortgage...........but this means we have not got a penny to scratch are arse with..........


however......this is where i think we have been smart..........someone please feel free to put me back in my place.........


when we leave for oz.....hopefully november time......we will then get a mortgage out on the house........the same for what we are renting it out for........for example..........rental income of £500 a month coming in........mortgage payments of £500 going out.........therefore no tax to pay..........and that means a mortgage of £85k sat in the bank...........but this under no circumstance should be spent on shoes......handbags.......or make-up.......!!!.......

by doing this........it means that the little house we have bought........and for a very good price.......will hopefully be our long term investment............and will hopefully be worth another £30k in the next 5 to 10 years.........and if the worst comes to the worst.........if we come hope in two years or six months........then we have a house to come home too........


i'm not sure if i have made any sense.......but what i'm trying to say is.......we have accepted a silly offer........but trying to make the best of a crap housing situation..........i hope it helps someone......


sorry for rambling.......




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Hey Luan - didnt realise it was you - have you changed your username? and the photo is different too? remember us from the york meet...........?

anyway, you are maybe one of the lucky ones, with a large amount of equity to fall back on - a much different story for us paupers down the other end of the property ladder - our house was valued 12 months ago and has already dropped £10k, and thats assuming someone would but it at that price - when you are talking half the value of your property, you realise that £10k or more is a hell of a lot of money to us.

We do still have a decent amount of equity in our house, but I for one, want to hold out that little bit longer for the best price possible - we have been offered a lifeline by my wonderful dad, who is going to help us financially so that we dont have to (try and) sell.

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Well we havent sold either not even a viewer. Here are our plans


1) Try and sell upto October (our flight in 8/12/08)

2) If no joy , try and rent

3) If no joy renting then all go to Aus to validate visas, then hubby who is main applicant

will come back to the UK to work and pay bills etc.. whilst the boys and I stay in Australia

so that they can get on with their education as they will be 15 & 17 so quite crucial.


Oh and forgot to mention that at the moment we have also instructed the agents to try for Part-Ex for us too. That way we rent the smaller property out here and release some money as at the moment we have no savings to go with, as both our businesses here in the UK gone quite right at the wrong time !!


Good Luck all

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Guest heieup

We're going to aim to sell before we go in mid Nov, but if haven't sold by end sep will rent it out. One good thing that while the sales of houses is slow, rental is booming with people who are not buying (is round us anyway) so we can then sell at a later date.

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We've had our house on for 4 months now - had 1 viewing (last weekend) and it's on the market at £30K less than what it was valued at this time last year. I'm going to start making plans to rent it out this month and swap our mortgage over to 'buy to let'. Will need to take some equity out (and put 6 months mortgage repayments aside just in case) so we can set up in Oz but have worked out that our rental income will cover our costs. It's a complete pain as I'd rather be shot of it and take all our ££ with us when we go in November - but, I always believe that things happen for a reason and I'm keeping fingers and toes crossed that the market will pick up over the next few years and we'll end up better off in the long run - also, the Oz exchange rate is crap just now (although picked up this week slightly) so maybe the Gods will be looking down on us when we do sell - at a higher price and with a great exchange rate!?

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hiya , were renting now too! house been on since end of feb and dropped 20k ea wanted to go another 10 ... nope, not that brave so were going with all our pennies scooped and hubby has a job to go to luckily and family house to stay in! maybe in a strange way im thinking IF.. we come back we have a house to come back to , not that were hoping to, but never say never. so fingers crossed we get nice tennents , saying that we have not got our visa yet, so if we dont will rent our house for a year and move back in.. sometimes i just wonder if its all worth it? limbo does not do it justice does it?.

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Guest Jo & Clem

Hi our house has been on the market for a couple of weeks now and not a single viewer as yet. Have no intention of dropping the price so if still unsold by December will rent out from January. Have booked our flights and leave on 11th March 2009. Good luck to everyone trying to sell!!


Jo x

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Hi Sara, I'm from Watersheddings, hubby from Lees, so used to live quite near you. Now on the Gold Coast, so much further!

Jo x




What a small world!!! I teach in a school just outside of Lees!

Fingers crossed we'll soon be living closer than we are now!:notworthy:


Thank you to everyone for sharing their plans. I think we're gonna look into the rental market so we have plan b to fall back on. Hubbie really isn't keen but we may have no other option!


Good luck everyone!

love Jo x x x

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Guest Diane Paul and the kids

I know a lot of us are desperately trying to sell our houses to move to oz. But what are people doing if their house haven't sold? :arghh:


Are you renting your house out?


Are you going to validate your visa then return until your house is sold?


We're really unsure what to do - so wondered what others are doing


Jo x x x

We are renting too,tried to sell for 18 months,then made the decision that we couldn't continue to live in limbo anymore,we are cashing in an endowment policy to help us make the move and keep us going in oz

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Guest griggsy

That`s what we have been talking about as well cash our endowment policy in rent the house and hope that house price`s rise here.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest The Littles

Hi Guys

We have now decided to rent out our house too. Been on market since April and not much interest. Really hoped to cut our ties and start a new, but it seems crazy to keep reducing our house price! We reduced by 15K 2 weeks ago and have not had any viewings - there just don't seem to be any buyers out there at the moment.


So, will get a good agent and rent it out - now we have made the decision we feel relieved! At least we can now make plans for our future, in a positive way.


Good luck to all in the same boat x

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Guest retiringgraham

i've droped my price by 50k already and not selling going to stick it out for a few months (not got visa yet been told another 8 months so still have time) will not panick untill december dont want to rent but will if it means staying here any longer

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Guest jewels1356

i think we will be doing that seems to be the only way at the mo maybe in a few months time when the media shuts up talking us into a resesion we can just all get on with life .


good luck to you all


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Guest paulacox

Hi Jo,


We are having the EA this Thursday, to put the house on the market, we have to sell has we will have no money to take with us, so we can not rent ours out, but we are still waiting for our visa.


Good luck



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