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Daughter smashed front teeth - need help!


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My 10 year old daughter has just smashed her two front teeth on the tiled floor. Most of the tooth is ok but the very front of both teeth is missing in a 'v' shape.


I will ring the dentist in North Lakes first thing tomorrow, but can anybody offer any help or advice on the best course of action.


Obviously we will have to pay for the treatment, but has anybody any ideas of how much?? We only have basic recipirocal cover as temporary residents.


Has this happened to anybody else either in oz or in the uk?


Katie is really upset and i will of course do anything to sort it out for her.




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Hi Debby, My son did this some years ago, his 2nd lot of teeth came through and he smashed the two front teeth.


Sorry cant really help you, but if she is in pain give her a pain killer try not to look to shocked as the poor little girl is probably in shock and hearbroken herself. A nice cuddle will do her some good get her to the dentist and they will do wonders!! At what cost I cant help you sorry.


Hope all goes well x

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Cant help re prices just wanted to send you a big hug ,you really havnt been given a smooth ride moving here have you? lots of love to your daughter and i hope she isnt in too much pain,is there no emergancy dentist at the local hospital if it gets bad for her?

good luck

Cal x

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Guest donovan

My friends son didi this when we first came over last year, she was told it was going to cost around $2000 to fix it, but luckily for her the school had a mobile dentist that fixed it for free.


Find out if your daughters school has the same thing, they never asked her what visa she was on.


Hope this helps & good luck



Sarah x

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Guest sheena
My 10 year old daughter has just smashed her two front teeth on the tiled floor. Most of the tooth is ok but the very front of both teeth is missing in a 'v' shape.


I will ring the dentist in North Lakes first thing tomorrow, but can anybody offer any help or advice on the best course of action.


Obviously we will have to pay for the treatment, but has anybody any ideas of how much?? We only have basic recipirocal cover as temporary residents.


Has this happened to anybody else either in oz or in the uk?


Katie is really upset and i will of course do anything to sort it out for her.





hiya, get her into the school dentist first thing in the morning!! most schools have them, or try ringing the school first to find out if they are there at present (they do seem to travel) and if not get the phone number of where you can go to (another school) it wont cost a thing, just might mean she gets a morning or day off school!


sheena :wubclub:

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Guest sweetpea0701

Sorry to hear your bad news

I am guessing you have no type of cover @ all.

As you have probebly guessed it is likley to cost alot, but I am sure that the dentist you use will understand your situation and perhaps you can agree a payment plan...

Good Luck with it all.....and hope the daughter is ok.

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Guest Jaynie

Apparently if you can put the broken bits into some milk and then take them with you to the dentist they maybe able to re-afix them with some kind of veneer. Saw this on one of those emergency programmes, worth a try anyway.


Good luck.........Bet she's still pretty though.:wubclub:

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I think putting them in milk, or in her mouth, only works if you go straight to a dentist as the idea is that the blood vessels might knit together. However, if you're going tomorrow I'm pretty sure they can still cement them. First port of call is to find out where the school dentist is at the moment and the school office should know this. However it may turn out to be a case for the othodontist in which case you may be looking at a costly sum. Good luck.

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Thanks everyone for your very quick replies, I knew I could rely on you to think straight when my head was everywhere! I hadn't even thought about the school dentist, what a wonderful idea and definately worth a try.


Oh well, at least my furniture arrived today.... anybody want to buy it so i can go home?


Debby x

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By the sounds of it the dentist will just need to do a composite filling ( white filling ) they cannot glue the tooth bits back on when broken, and the milk thing is for loss of tooth in full not a broken tooth.


sounds pretty straight forward so don't panic, not sure regarding prices ect as i don't work here.


Good luck

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Guest earlswood
My 10 year old daughter has just smashed her two front teeth on the tiled floor. Most of the tooth is ok but the very front of both teeth is missing in a 'v' shape.


I will ring the dentist in North Lakes first thing tomorrow, but can anybody offer any help or advice on the best course of action.


Obviously we will have to pay for the treatment, but has anybody any ideas of how much?? We only have basic recipirocal cover as temporary residents.


Has this happened to anybody else either in oz or in the uk?


Katie is really upset and i will of course do anything to sort it out for her.








I had the same thing exactly in my teens....they filled the gap with a white filler type substance 10 years ago and you cannot tell it was ever done...tell her not to worry.

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Guest nicola1982

I broke one of my adult front teeth when I was younger on a bouncy castle (been banded by my mum ever since lol). Didn't have to pay as was under 16 on the NHS but the dentist used a white filler to build up the lower half of the tooth & I then had a veneer over the front. Best thing is pain killers, soft foods & see if you can get Bonjela (or Oz version) as any repairs might rub until your daughter gets use to them.


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Thanks everybody for your quick replies!!


You were all right, 2 quick composite fillings, done at 11am next morning. They looks perfect.


I did chase up the school dentist but by the time they got back to me they had been repaired (I just couldn't wait as she was so upset). They cost 360 dollars, so I guess we got off lightly!


Thanks for caring everyone

Debby x


oh just the 150 dollar speeding fine (o/h) to pay now!!

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Guest scots-in-oz!

My 11 year old daughter broke one of her from teeth last week on metal climbing frame swing bars. About a third of her tooth shattered into pieces! She saw her dentist straight away, but as she may have nerve damage we have to wait 3 weeks to see if the tooth is going to turn grey and 'die'. If it does she will need a crown, other wise if the tooth still looks healthy she will have it filled and built up. He reckons she's going to need long team treatment anyhow.

So anyway, this week she decides to fall off her bike....the handlebars land straight into her ribs.....a trip to A&E, possible fractured ribs, huge 6cmx2cm impact grazing & lots of bruising! Poor girl! Going to keep her indoors next week I think!



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