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after school clubs

The willy s

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hey all, just a query with regards to kids activities and after school clubs.

here in england my boys do scouts, beavers, rugby and belong to football teams.


im sure there are plenty of things for them to do in Oz, just wondering those all ready out there what your kids do? what the prices are like? availability of spaces etc? do they actually have football teams for kids or is it maily 'aussie rule'?:err:


thanks lorraine

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You should find all those things in Aus - Beavers are called Joeys here I think.


My son plays basketball - it was an initial $25 signing on fee, and we pay $6 per week, and $10 for the shirt.


He plays soccer, I think we paid about $140 for the season (payable up front), although it will be more next year as he goes into the under 10's


My daughter rides and her fees are $50 per lesson (1 hour)



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Hi ,my son goes to cubs ,its $6 pr night( every monday ) plus insurance which i think is a couple of hundred dollars for the year.He loves it especially the camps that average around$50 a time,all in all pretty cheap for the enjoyment and education they get.

My daughter attends kindy-gymnastics which is an hour week at $10 per lesson ,at 4 she is climbing the flexi ladder and walking the beam she really enjoys it and it keeps her fit too,lol(as well as tires her out,lol).

Theres also ,football,soccer,singing,dancing,rugby,brownies,army cadets,tennis,netball,swimming and karate type classes ,pony clubs,the list is endless ,all in our susburb and you should find most suburbs offer similar classes,,i wouldnt worry about activities too much ,theres more available than the kids could possibly participate in!!lol

Cal x

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Yes there really is a great choice of activities for the children. Mine do soccer, ballet, swimming etc and we have found the prices very reasonable. $150 for the soccer season and that included a soccer ball and trophy at the end for every child! Ballet classes for my 3 year old are $110 per term.

Hope this helps


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