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Emigrating to Melbourne

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Hi all

For last few days have been seriously thinking about the possibility of emigrating to Melbourne but have no idea of where to start.

Have seen that there are quite a lot of jobs in a field where I've got quite a lot of experience, but have no idea about visas, best locations, costings of things. All and any help and sdvice would be greatly received.

Australia looks like an amazing place, and would love a chance to be there.


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first thing is to check if you qualify for a visa. Best place is here: https://www.homeaffairs.gov.au/

What's your occupation? you'll need to check if it's on the list https://www.homeaffairs.gov.au/trav/work/work/skills-assessment-and-assessing-authorities/skilled-occupations-lists/combined-stsol-mltssl and meet all the requirements, such as pass the skills assessments, meet the minimum points, age and English requirements.

BTW - it's not that amazing, just another first world country ?

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Would you call France amazing?  Would you call America amazing?  Australia is a nice place to live but it's no more "amazing" than any other developed country in the world.

It does look amazing from a distance because you're seeing the blazing sunshine and the gorgeous beaches - but if that's what's in your mind, then you need to go to Queensland, not Melbourne, which has a more European climate. 

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6 hours ago, Martin01 said:

I've got quite a lot of experience

Ah yes, experience.  But it is it the right experience?
I came to Melbourne with 20 years of experience in my field under my belt, but as none of it was experience gained in Australia, it hasn't been that useful in terms of getting a job.

The majority of my interview feedback has been that "you presented excellently and you certainly know your stuff, however you don't have enough Aus experience."
Which is strange as the person spec for the jobs I've applied for hasn't mentioned you need Aus experience, also it's very clear on my CV where I've been working my entire career...

So be prepared to take a step back in terms of career and be willing to work your way up again.


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Start with the visa as that will typically be the "go/no go" issue.  Best option for most people is the 189 visa if they meet the criteria and can secure an invitation.  If a 189 isn't an option, then 190 is next best followed by 489.

Melbourne is indeed a good location if it suits your lifestyle and preferences.  You couldn't pay me to live in QLD (too hot and humid) but everyone is different.

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