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RRV expired


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Hi everyone

My son needs to apply for an RRV, he left in 2014, he had been in Oz over 4 yrs and didn't get citizenship, a teenager who knew better. Was never going to come back!

I got him a five yr RRV which ran out last October, he never used the RRV, now he needs to come back in August.

He has ties here, mum, dad, brother and sister and we can get a letter of employment for him. We are all citizens and have been here 10yrs.

What do people think our chances are, i assume we will only get a 12mth visa. If it gets refused will we get a ban or just  a refusal?

 Is it worth using an agent as we have a short timeline, and does anyone know roughly how long they are taking. He has no criminal record. Will he need to do a police check?


thank you for your help ?


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If you are short on time and unsure, consult an agent. As this could be his last chance at an RRV he really doesn’t want to risk messing it up. 

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36 minutes ago, justcantwait said:

The agent has just got back to me, they are saying we can apply overseas or get a tourist visa and apply here. I thought the tourist visa could cancel the pr visa?

Any thoughts on this?


thank you x

If you have a Registered Migration Agent, they should be able to answer this question. However, see my post here for general information on the subject: 


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22 hours ago, justcantwait said:

Hi everyone

My son needs to apply for an RRV, he left in 2014, he had been in Oz over 4 yrs and didn't get citizenship, a teenager who knew better. Was never going to come back!

I got him a five yr RRV which ran out last October, he never used the RRV, now he needs to come back in August.

He has ties here, mum, dad, brother and sister and we can get a letter of employment for him. We are all citizens and have been here 10yrs.

What do people think our chances are, i assume we will only get a 12mth visa. If it gets refused will we get a ban or just  a refusal?

 Is it worth using an agent as we have a short timeline, and does anyone know roughly how long they are taking. He has no criminal record. Will he need to do a police check?


thank you for your help ?


Im in the same boat here, my daughter now wants to come back after her PR expired

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