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Mechanical Engineer wanting to be a Tradie seeks guidance-Please advice.

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Dear Lovely Fellow Members,

I am a Mechanical Engineer who has migrated to Australia from Japan 4 months back. I am currently looking for work and find it very difficult. Somehow, I did get invited for interview at couple of places but after a few interviews I get rejected due to lack of local experience or very specific requirements of employers. so I am thinking of changing career to being a tradie/sparky.
May be the tradie work such as fitter/electrician/plumber might be more stable and has a future here in Australia. I see that a lot of engineering work is unstable, gets outsourced and there is a huge supply of engineers here in Australia. I guess tradie work is always going to stay and can’t be outsourced to India/China so might be good in long term.
Would you mind sharing your opinion and how to get in this field?
Below are some specific questions
1. For a Mechanical Engineer which would be better field from employment perspective? I feel like HVAC/Refrigeration is very much in demand these days.
2. What is the process to be a tradie/sparky? 
3. One of the electrical contractors has shown interest to provide me with pre-apprenticeship. Is it worth it? What would be a good way for me to move ahead?

I will really appreciate if you can throw some light on my queries.

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Will just say that when I built a house in WA a few years ago, nearly all the trades people were none English speaking Chinese. Probably working for a fraction of Oz trades. So do not assume trades aren't out sourced. That is in effect the temp visa. 

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