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IELTS or PTE Acamedic


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How are you  all? Need advice from all of you guys. I sat for IELTS and got 6 in each band. Now I am thinking about PTE. I need 7 in each for IELTS or 65 for PTE. PTE is easier than IELTS or not? How many months or days preparation do I need to achieve 65 in each module??


Thanks a lot .... 

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Quite a number, I would dare say.  Your grammar and punctuation wouldn't pass as fluent in a month of Sundays.

It should not be a case of 'which is easier'.  It should be a case of turning up, in full knowledge that you are confident and comfortable with your understanding and knowledge of the language to hit the mark you want to hit.

The above is not meant to sound like a downer: I would, however, always recommend that people get themselves as fluent as possible; all the more so, when you are moving to a country where English is the lingua franca.

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It depends on your previous experience I would say, as a native speaker who works with nurses from other countries. They often talk about the IELTS at work and say it's hard, but that's the test they have the most experience with. If that's the case with you, it might be worth sticking with it and studying more and trying to get the level 7 you need as you already know the test style.

I did the PTE-A and it's by no means easy - native English speakers fail it quite frequently. The reason is that it's quite an unusual PC based test that demands past experience of the questions just to get the pass if your a native speaker. I spent around a weekend watching Youtube videos just to see what it's like and how to go about the best way to answer the questions. So in your shoes if you were to try the PTE-A, you'd have to spend a while getting used to the test idiosyncrasies, before you even  brush up on your current English level.

Why don't you have a look at some of the questions on Youtube and see what you think? There are practice questions you can do alongside the lesson teacher. I think it's called E2language or something like that.

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I also used E2launguage for PTE-A on YouTube and found it very useful for explaining the correct structure of each question type. 

I am English, but practiced pretty much every day for 2 months (on average an hour a day, more on the weekends). Possibly this is overkill for a native speaker, but I wasn't taking any chances. I also purchased the scored mock tests on PTE's website (Gold package), twice!!! These showed me areas that needed improvement, which I then focused on. 

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I also used E2launguage for the PTE. I took the PTE 3 times and I was getting around 76 marks in writing (other areas were 90) without improvement even with help from an English teacher friend of mine. I then got E2launguage and got 85 on my exam after using their system. Although I didn't need to do reading as i was getting good scores I did the training anyway. It made it much easier and made it less stressful. On my last exam I had 15 minutes remaining time and got top scores of 90!

E2launguage does work and is worth the money.

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I did both IELTS and PTE. The exams are very different and the structures will suit different people. I found PTE much easier and after a few tries, I achieved superior. Should be revising every day for at least 3 weeks prior to the exam. Plenty of great videos on youtube 

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4 hours ago, woody2709 said:

I did both IELTS and PTE. The exams are very different and the structures will suit different people. I found PTE much easier and after a few tries, I achieved superior. Should be revising every day for at least 3 weeks prior to the exam. Plenty of great videos on youtube 

Can u pls suggest some videos or books. .Do I need to follow any books? 

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16 hours ago, JetBlast said:

I also used E2launguage for the PTE. I took the PTE 3 times and I was getting around 76 marks in writing (other areas were 90) without improvement even with help from an English teacher friend of mine. I then got E2launguage and got 85 on my exam after using their system. Although I didn't need to do reading as i was getting good scores I did the training anyway. It made it much easier and made it less stressful. On my last exam I had 15 minutes remaining time and got top scores of 90!

E2launguage does work and is worth the money.

Thanks a lot.. E2language website or YouTube one? free one or subscribed one?

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Thank you so much for posting about the E2language lectures on youtube..  I have my PTE on Thursday and really nervous - currently going through them - they are brilliant!  If I don't get 79's I'll definitely consider doing the extra training they offer :-)

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1 hour ago, Vicky87 said:

Thank you so much for posting about the E2language lectures on youtube..  I have my PTE on Thursday and really nervous - currently going through them - they are brilliant!  If I don't get 79's I'll definitely consider doing the extra training they offer :-)

Good luck with your test! If I were taking the test again, I would practice with the TV on normal volume in the background every once in a while, as it will help you to focus when background noise is present. When I did my test, I had a guy next to me who was really loud and seemed to be competing with me which was soooooo distracting!! His accent and grammar was terrible too which really didn't help. You are only separated from the next person by a board basically, so you'll hear whatever noise is in the room.

You could maybe always try asking the moderator to move you away from people if they put you all together in a line if there are clearly spaces available (like in my test).

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5 hours ago, Saif said:

Thanks a lot.. E2language website or YouTube one? free one or subscribed one?

I paid for mine. There is content plus many methods, practices  etc that are not published on the net. I went with the silver package.

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i passed!! Can't quite believe it.. I ended up revising sat next to my husband while he watched TV.. I work in an office which probably helps too.. definitely couldn't have done it without the e2 structure advice..

Onto getting an invite now! 

good luck everyone looking to take the test soon, its not easy. i would say don't rush, even if you finish the question early take the time to get ready for the next question..


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