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Do Sponsors always require AFP check?

Jon the Hat

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Hi All

I have yesterday submitted my 309/100 visa application, and I have booked my medical and applied for UK police certificate for me and my wife (sponsor).  My question is this - as we have lived in the UK for more than 10 years does my wife also require an Australian AFP certificate / clearance?  


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1 hour ago, MNM Visa said:

Sponsors need to provide AFP, even if they stay for a single day in Australia.


Further more all sponsors will have had to spend a single day in Australia! or will have a hard time being able to sponsor.

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4 minutes ago, Jon the Hat said:

It seems to be some are asked and some are not.  I guess this is a pretty cheap check, so why not.  Now I go in to set it in motion, and the website is down until tomorrow night.  Sigh.


It is fast and cheap.

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