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Posting baby milk from uk


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1 hour ago, Flynster said:


Hi, we are emigrating to Australia next month and we can’t get the baby brand milk we use, does anyone know if I can post 10 powdered milk boxes without getting taxed or refused? Many thanks in advance

Well, you might get it stopped by customs. Dairy is restricted, not sure if  powdered formula is covered. But long as it's correctly labelled I don't believe you would be breaking any laws. 

What is so special about it? My son had terrible eczema, and we used goats milk formula from new Zealand while in the UK.

Is yours a specialist formula?

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1 hour ago, Flynster said:

No, I just don’t want to change his milk straight away, lots of change etc maybe I’m being a little over the top? emoji848.png

Well, one way you could do it would be to get a postal redirection from your UK home to your Australian home, and then get someone to post it to your UK home. But thb, babies are quite versatile. You could try mixing it up a bit now to see how they react. You may even be able to try a brand that is sold in both countries.

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That's going to be expensive to post. I'd be inclined to bring a few cans in checked baggage if possible or depending on weight and your own baggage allowance, to bring 5 or 6 and then seek out a brand to change to asap and if you struggle, to then get someone to ship a few more over if you need them. It can't be a long term thing to ship it over though as it would work out very expensive. 

What has been said is a good idea. See what brands are sold in both countries and perhaps start to make the change now so you can transition more easily once here. I notice when I shop I see some of the same brands being sold in the UK. 

How old is your baby? If you are worrying about change, chances are if they are smaller they are not going to really be affected as much as an older child might. Sure there is the jet lag and getting into the sleep pattern here but for most other things, so long as you are there, I can't see they are going to really suffer. We moved house when our son was 18 months, again when he was 3 and then the move to Aus when he was 6. All the moves were fine in terms of him settling and not having any real problems adjusting. All he cared about really was he was given his meals at the times he was used to and had a few familiar toys. 

Changing formula can be fine or it may be hard going. IMHO if you plan to change I'd be switching now and having them adjust before you leave and then carrying that on once here and hopefully being able to make a full switch within a couple of weeks. 

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We moved over with an 11 week year old.  Although she was primarily breast fed, we topped her up with formula and experienced no issues when moving her onto an Australian brand.  Personally I wouldn't go to the expense or hassle of shipping any over.

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There should be an equivalent.  Eldest was lactose intolerant, so we brought some with us for the first couple of weeks but converted to a local brand as soon as we could.  I would think that most baby milks are the same.

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Thanks guys! And yes you are all right! The only ‘special’ thing is it is organic, which I think we want to keep him on.. does anyone know of a similar one to the Hipp organic milk? And he is 8 months and be 9 when we land. So i am making a mountain out of a mole hill [emoji849]

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6 minutes ago, Flynster said:

Newjez - does that actually work? Can I send parcels to home address and redirect them for no additional charge - obviously I have to pay for the redirection

I am not sure you can do this with parcels. I had a look at the T&C’s and there appear to be set limits on size. Read the PDF, 9.9

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This is what I was worried about when we moved over 15 months ago with our 6 month old son. He was on cow & gate in the uk. We used premixed cartons for the flight over, they're fantastic! We had a tin of formula in the main suitcase. I had planned on mixing the uk with Aussie formula. Only problem I had with that is that the milk preparations for the formula is different to uk. i just moved him straight on to the formula here, it's so much easer to prepare and take out with you than the uk stuff. 

I looked into shipping formula over, you can but honestly the formula here is fantastic, didn't have any problems with his stomach. 

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