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Having a discuss with my other half last nite regarding when we have a baby what nationality it will be we both agreed it should have British and Australian citerznship how would we go about getting it registered under uk law. (just to confirm she not pregent yet):arghh:I hope not cause she brought the subject up lol

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Guest Brickie


Having a discuss with my other half last nite regarding when we have a baby what nationality it will be we both agreed it should have British and Australian citerznship how would we go about getting it registered under uk law. (just to confirm she not pregent yet)I hope not cause she brought the subject up lol


My son is 23 and was born here, he just applied for his UK passport and got it just like that so I wouldnt worry about it.

He is deemed to a dual citizen through parents. :cool:

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Ali they got no chance over my dead body That if she was pregent even through i know she a week late. I even hear from other friends they tried telling them how to bring up there kids trust me if they even went there i would say something to there faces even if it meant i had to lose ever thing i i would lol That if she is pregent

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NO idea yet Ali she convinced she due to have her monthly cycle this week but i have this feeling that there going to be no cycle this month but if that the case i not teling the in laws lol i be no golden boy for to much longer lol scarey throught if she is cause i be over the moon and i think the whole of Brisbane well know lol cause you hear a big woohooo from hear lol

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Guest KirstyM

Maybe it is just all the excitement of you having arrived over here that's making her late. It happens sometimes when life suddenly changes.


On the other hand, maybe it's time to practise changing some nappies!!

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Guest KirstyM
OMG Kirsty the throught of changing nappies scaring me lol


It's not so much changing the nappies that fears me, but the contents. I've no kids myself, but I'm always bewildered and amazed at the many colours and textures babies produce.


One of my mates has a bright red vindaloo type stain on their carpets. When I enquired where it came from I was shocked to discover the origin was a breastfed babies bum!!


Nuff said. We're buying black carpets before we breed! :biglaugh:

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Guest KirstyM

Oh well, sounds like you are at least on a winner with the in-laws.


Try not to give yourself any more pressure just now - sounds like you're feeling enough without worrying about the pitter patter of tiny feet!

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It's not so much changing the nappies that fears me, but the contents. I've no kids myself, but I'm always bewildered and amazed at the many colours and textures babies produce.


One of my mates has a bright red vindaloo type stain on their carpets. When I enquired where it came from I was shocked to discover the origin was a breastfed babies bum!!


Nuff said. We're buying black carpets before we breed! :biglaugh:

Well im lucky to say most of the house is tiled but the bed rooms are the only places carpeted. the garge has already been turned in to a play room for my step son so the carpet in there just odd pieces lol

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Oh well, sounds like you are at least on a winner with the in-laws.


Try not to give yourself any more pressure just now - sounds like you're feeling enough without worrying about the pitter patter of tiny feet!


Even through ever one here backs me 110% i feel like i have to deliver and i know i can. I hate not working not knowing when im going to work again is a killer for me all i done today is think about going back to the UK but knows i be doing the same there and I couldnt go home as i miss my finace and son and the in laws strange to say that but they been very supportive and helpfully.:unsure:

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